Monday, August 4, 2014

Kaleo Sermon Notes- RSVP Day 1

[Matthew 22:1-2 ESV] 1 And again Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying, 2 "The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son...."

In breaking down this passage the first thing we want to elaborate on is the fact that Jesus was a master teacher. He often spoke in parables as we see here in the text. A parable is an "earthly story with a heavenly application or meaning." Christ Jesus took the known from this earth and His culture to explain the unknown.

Here in this section He uses a wedding feast, which a father gave his son, to explain the Kingdom of Heaven. In this first verse of the parable a couple of things jump out to us. First, it is the king who gives. He is a generous person who wants to share his blessings, pouring out favor to all on behalf of his son. This is what God's love for us does in the Kingdom. He loves, He sends, He blesses!

Second, notice that this is a wedding feast. This is a most extravagant event of magnitude proportions. For many, their wedding is the most special moment in their lives, or at least it should be. This is a time of extensive celebration, joy, and honor. Everyone is to have a good time and incredible rejoicing should be the norm. It was in Christ Jesus' day and it is now when we think about it. Meditate on this, God's average, normal day in His Kingdom is compared to the greatest day of our earthly lives and existence. Wow!!! God and what He gives is soooooo good!!!

*Life Point* Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

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