Monday, August 25, 2014

Bible Study Notes in Isaiah- Chapter 44

Isaiah 44


-Much of the language of chapter 44 is a reiteration of God’s calm assurance to His people (see notes on Isaiah 41 & 43). He promises to pour out living water (John 4:10-15; 7:37-39) on the thirsty land and streams on the dry ground. It is His Spirit that He will pour out on their offspring, and He will bless their descendants (Isaiah 44:3). His people will claim the LORD as their own and call upon His Name (Isaiah 44:5). There is none other besides the LORD for creation, stability, easing fear, and continuance. *Application* God wants desperately to pour out His Spirit into His children. He is the One we can cling to for salvation. He will come in and take up residence within us by His indwelling Presence when we open up the door of our heart to His grace and mercy (Revelation 3:20). Belong to the LORD!

-The folly of idolatry is expanded in the verses from 9-20. All who trust in graven images put their faith in futility, which are of no eternal profit. Even their own witnesses fail to see or know. They will be put to shame (Isaiah 44:9-11). Idols are manmade by weakness and natural means. Though man worships it, it has dual purpose for making fire to eat food. Idols have no power for deliverance, they do not know anything, they cannot understand, they cannot comprehend, and they deceive the hearts of those who turn to them for help. *Application* God is completely rational and the wise man will turn to Him as the only hope for salvation and complete clarity in human existence.

-In light of all that has been stated, the prophet, in poetic language again reiterates the exclusivity of the LORD as Redeemer and Forgiver. He is the One who can give joy, and He is the only One who deserves ultimate glory. He makes fools out of diviners and the worldly wise. He confirms His Word with His servant, the true prophet, and He performs the purpose of His messengers. The LORD will have the final say as to the habitation of Jerusalem, the building of the cities of Judah, the depth of the sea and rivers, the world leaders (the name Cyrus is accurately mentioned here 150 years before he ruled), and the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the Temple (Isaiah 44:24-28). Isaiah accurately predicted the fall of Jerusalem 100 years before it actually happened and that the Temple would be rebuilt 200 years before it happened. It should be clear to us that this messenger was a true prophet called by the God who knows the future. *Application* God doesn’t do anything unless it is first revealed by the prophets (Amos 3:7). Search His Scriptures to know what will happen in the coming days. It is written.


Verse to Memorize: Isaiah 44:3

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