Saturday, August 31, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 21

Exodus 21


-Chapter 21 begins a long portion of ordinances that are set before the children of Israel. These are the statutes that the LORD has given for success in the land that they will inhabit for the purpose of perpetuity and welfare. These laws are fair and binding and will point the way toward helping people see the need for a gracious Savior because failure in these practices is inevitable. Those who live by the law will die by the law (Leviticus 18:5, Deuteronomy 27:26, Galatians 3:12). The basic premise is an “eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise (Exodus 21:24-25).” *Application* The primary point to consider is this, “the law can restrain evil, but can never impute righteousness.” These laws will perpetuate a cordial society where people consider others in their actions. The issue of slavery is addressed but not condoned.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 20

Exodus 20


-God speaks the Ten Commandments to Moses. The first four have to do with our vertical relationship with Him (love God). The last six have to do with our horizontal relationships with others (love your neighbor as yourself).

-Here is the summary basic meaning of the commands:

1) Exclusivity of God, there is no other

2) No idols, likeness of God, this has lead to some not allowing art forms of the LORD, be careful what you worship

3) His Name is holy, punishment involved in taking His Name in vain

4) Reverence for His day of rest, His completion, we need a break and God knows this well, keep Him at the center, abide in Him, do no work on this day

5) Respect of parents, longevity in the land, continuation of norms and values across generations

6) Deals with the violent nature of man and the value of human life

7) Faithfulness to your spouse, no cheating on your personal covenant to your spouse before God

8) Taking from someone else’s possessions wrongfully, lack of respect and kindness

9) Lying, be honest, no deceit

10) Deals with greed and lust for things, be content

-The people are greatly afraid at the sound of His voice and wouldn’t go near. Moses says, “Don’t be afraid; for God has come in order to test you, and in order that the fear of Him may remain with you, so that you may not sin (Exodus 20:20).” *Application* This summarizes God’s heart for us. The price for sin is death and God will do whatever it takes to keep us from that demise. Have you passed His test of faith? Fear Him and live.

-The last section of this chapter gives instructions for making alters. New religious traditions are being established and this is an attempt to prevent idolatry of any kind. God is unique and no human forms of craftsmanship are needed.


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 20:20

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 19

Exodus 19


-The children of Israel come into the wilderness of Sinai in the 3rd month to very day they left Egypt and camped in front of the mountain.

-Moses went up to God and the LORD called from the mountain with protective words and a recollection of what He had done for them. “If you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine (Exodus 19:5).” They would be a kingdom and a holy nation unto the LORD’s purposes. This has earthly and as well as heavenly implications as we move through the entire realm of God’s providential plan.

-Moses gives these words to the elders and they agree to do all the LORD has spoken. They agree to take on the covenant and will be God’s possession to be used of Him for the salvation of the world along with much persecution.

-Moses goes back to God with their words as a mediator on their behalf. God speaks from a thick cloud that the people may hear and believe in Moses’ words forever. God commands the people to be consecrated and cleaned and to be ready on the third day when He was to come down.

-Warnings were given not to go up on the mountain or even touch the border of it. Death would be the penalty; this was serious business.

-On the third day in the morning there was thunder and lightning and a very loud trumpet sound so that they all trembled in the camp. Moses brought them out of the camp to meet God and they stood at the foot of the mountain. Mt. Sinai was all in smoke because the LORD descended upon it in fire and it quaked violently. The trumpet grew louder and louder. Finally Moses spoke to God and He answered him with thunder.

-The LORD comes down on Mt. Sinai at the top and called Moses up. Then he instructed Moses to go back down and warn the people once again not to break through to the LORD in order to gaze at what was going on, which would make them perish. *Application* God is concerned for every minute detail in order to save us from disaster.

-Moses was told to have the priests consecrated and bring Aaron back up with him upon return, which Moses obeyed.


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 19:5

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 18

Exodus 18


-Jethro heard all God had done for Israel and came to Moses at the mount of God in the wilderness where Israel camped. Moses went out to his father-in-law in sweet reunion bowing before him and kissing him. They inquired of each other’s welfare and Moses told him of all God’s deliverance from Pharaoh and Egypt. Jethro acknowledged God as the greatest (the most supreme) because He delivered the people (Israel) when Egypt dealt proudly against them. *Application* This is a key phrase that gives us insight as to why the Lord’s wrath came against this nation in such a profound way. God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6, 1 Peter 5:5). This is a word of wisdom for our own lives as well as our nation.

-They made burnt offerings and sacrifices unto the LORD, and Aaron along with the elders ate a meal with them.

-Jethro saw all the business and all that Moses was doing for the people asking why he sat alone as judge from morning to evening every day. The reason was that the people needed to inquire of God for judgments and disputes of God and His laws.

-Jethro knew that Moses would not last long under this heavy burden and would not be able to endure. He advised him to select out men who: 1) feared God, 2) were of truth, 3) hated dishonest gain (bribes). These would be placed as leaders over thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens. Moses would handle the major disputes and the others would take care of minor matters after being taught the statutes and laws. *Application* This was done under the principles of endurance, long-term vision, delegation, and multiplying ministry (2 Timothy 2:2). The old saying is true, “I’d rather get ten men to do the work than do the work of ten men.” God has crafted us for specific tasks and He wants us to relinquish authority for the betterment of progress and growth in anything we endeavor to do (1 Corinthians 12). God is the designer.

-Moses listened and did all his father-in-law said to do. He received wise counsel humbly and was able to lead for the entire 40 years in the wilderness because of this delegation practice. Moses did not burn out. He was the most humble man in the world (Numbers 12:3).


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 18:24

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 17

Exodus 17


-The children of Israel made their way in stages to Rephidim in the wilderness further south into the Arabian Peninsula. The problem here, as with many places in the wilderness (desert), is that water supply is limited and can get virtually non-existent. You can image the fear that this naturally produces. It led to quarreling with Moses and testing of the LORD (Exodus 17:2). They felt like they were being brought out to be killed rather than delivered at this point, but God produced another miracle of provision for them. Moses struck the rock at the LORD’s command at Horeb and water poured out of it. Therefore the name of this place was Massah (test) and Merribah (quarrel) because the people doubted that God was amongst them. *Application* God often puts us through these tests and trials in life to reveal our heart towards him. His design is to build our faith in ever increasing measure. He will never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6-8, Joshua 1:5, Hebrews 13:5). This is His promise that we must depend on and cling to in every circumstance. Rest in Him with your faith (Hebrews 11:1-6).

-Now Amalek invades. This is a tribe of the grandson of Esau who were nomadic warriors who lived in the desert and made frequent raids on settlements for booty (Genesis 36:12). They basically killed for pleasure. An ancient pirating system if you will. The nature of man doesn’t change and his heart is only for evil continually apart from the grace of God (Genesis 6:5, Titus 2:10-12). Joshua, introduced for the first time in Scripture, is given leadership in this first battle against the enemy as Moses stations himself on the top of the hill with the staff of God in hand. Moses took Hur and Aaron and went to the top of the hill where he could see the battle and raise his staff of the LORD over the scene. When he lifted his staff Israel prevailed, and when he let his hand down, Amalek (the enemy) prevailed (Exodus 17:11). Moses had assistance to give him a seat and keep his hands raised from Hur and Aaron and the victory was gained. *Application* This underscores how devoted men of God should help and assist spiritual leaders in the spiritual battles that take place. They stood with him and would not let him down shouldering some of the responsibility of the outcome.

-*Application* Amalek is a picture (or type) of Satanic forces that invade in a new believers life once rescued from the domain of darkness into the everlasting light of Jesus Christ. Just because one is free from the burden of slavery, doesn’t mean that there will not be attacks of the enemy as we see here in the passage. In fact just as with Amalek we with the LORD as our helper will have war with Satanic forces perpetually from generation to generation (Exodus 17:16). God will eventually blot out the memory of Amalek from under Heaven (Exodus 17:14), but there is going to be turbulence in the meantime. The tension is real and there will always be resistance. The key is living life in the power of God through his Holy Spirit to thwart off the attacks of the enemy every time they arise, and they will arise guaranteed. Keep your hands raised in victory as Moses and get faithful accountability partners who will help you in the fight. Amalek can be overcome!

-One last word in this chapter. Joshua’s development as a leader is important. He will be the one to eventually take the children of Israel into the Promised Land and devour the enemies of the LORD there. This was a training ground where he learned skills and strategy with the help of God Almighty.


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 17:6

Monday, August 26, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 16

Exodus 16


-In the wilderness of Sin the whole congregation (more than a million people) of the sons of Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron. Grumbling and God’s mercy even in the presence of discontentment becomes the ultimate theme of this chapter. Their complaints were not really against Moses and Aaron in the fullest sense. Their protest was against God, which the Scriptures clearly point out (Exodus 16:7, 8). The fact that God hears their grumblings and reacts in kindness to provide the manna and quail reiterates the fact that He was patient and His lovingkindness would never fail in the plan He was working out. *Application* How quick we are to turn our emotions away from the truth of the LORD’s sustenance and provision. We can easily forget His faithfulness and go our own way in frustration and complaint when things seem a little (or a lot) rough. Don’t let circumstances get the best of you like they did with the children of Israel. This is where faith is maintained and real growth occurs in your life. Remember that the LORD still brings tests to see whether or not you will walk in His instruction (Exodus 16:4). Blessed are you when you persevere and pass the tests and trials given and allowed by God.

-A clear description is given of the manna, which is a miraculous provision of food for each morning. The interesting note on this comes in verses 18-21. “He who gathered much had no excess (Exodus 16:18).” This refers to hoarding, which the LORD is always against. He taught the children of Israel not to hoard with storing up excess by making the manna foul and breeding worms on the next day. This would teach them to gather only what they needed, which would help them learn to share the abundance with others in the camp and promote unity. The ones that “gathered little had no lack,” which demonstrated that enough was enough and no more was required for their contentment and wellbeing (Exodus 16:18). *Application* This is a clear example in Scripture of how we as Christians should behave in our generosity. Be willing to share the wealth that the LORD has given you. Otherwise your heart will be troubled and you will not be fulfilling all that God has for you (Luke 6:38, 1 Timothy 6:10, Hebrews 13:5).

-The Sabbath is given precedence and importance in the wilderness as a day of rest to be observed. God once again made extra provision so that obeying His commands would not be strenuous or cumbersome. *Application* Remember to rest as the LORD commands. It will do your body and soul well. The tendency is to keep up the hectic pace of our lives in our modern culture. God tells us to slow down and repose at least one day a week. Take your Sabbath rest O Christian. God knows that we need that time of restoration and recuperation.

-The manna would be stored for future generations to see the bread that the LORD provided for His children by His command. It was to be placed before the Testimony, to be kept, and later the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:16; 40:20).


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 16:2

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 15

Exodus 15


-Moses and the sons of Israel sing a song before the LORD exalting and praising Him for all of His mighty acts in the deliverance of the Hebrew people. In the song is the promise of the mountain of their inheritance, where the LORD would make His dwelling place. This refers to Jerusalem in my opinion. There is also the acknowledgement of the fear and panic that would reside on all those who stood in the LORD’s way of bringing His people back into the promised land. From Philistia to Edom, to Moab, to Canaan terror and dread was falling on them because of the greatness of God and His demonstration of power before the Egyptians.

-Miriam the prophetess and sister of Aaron also took the timbrel in her hand and sang out with dancing of the exaltation of the LORD and his redemptive power over the enemy. *Application* At times of deliverance we need to remember the greatness of our God to overcome all obstacles and barriers. He is the great deliverer and healer as this chapter points out. Jesus points to this kind of thanksgiving in His ministry as well (Luke 17:12-19). Always be grateful and thankful to the mighty God we serve.

-It did not take long for the rejoicing to turn to complaining. Three days into the wilderness with no water made the children of Israel grumble with questions of provision. The LORD once again provided a miracle for them in making the bitter waters of Marah sweet. The Scriptures say at this point that God “made for them a statute and regulation, and there He tested them (Exodus 15:25b).” He told them that if they would give earnest heed to His voice, do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, He would not put any of the diseases on them that the Egyptians received (Exodus 15:26). He declared something very important to them here that is applicable to us. He, and He alone, is the healer (Exodus 15:26b). *Application* Have you reflected on this fact lately? Give thanks to the LORD with song and praise for all His righteous acts in your life for the purpose of deliverance and healing immediately.


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 15:26


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 14

Exodus 14


-The miraculous Red Sea crossing is narrated in this amazing chapter of Scripture. Pharaoh assembled his army in defiance of all God had done to release His people, and they embarked on a quest to bring back their slave labor force even after all the plagues and destruction. However, a key reiteration is made several times through the chapter with God speaking, “I will be honored through Pharaoh (Exodus 14:4, 17, 18).” God is not mocked and only He in the end will receive the glory and honor because of His great power (Galatians 6:7).

-The people were naturally afraid of the advancing army against them. They were indecisive and skeptical about the situation. This is where Moses’ leadership was incredible. He told them not to fear but to stand by and see the salvation of the LORD (Exodus 14:13). “The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent (Exodus 14:14).” They only had to trust in the LORD; it was not by their own might or power (Zechariah 4:6). God sent His angel behind the camp to divide the parties, and He sent a strong east wind all night, which dried up the sea so that they could cross on dry land towards safety with a wall of water on their right hand and on their left. *Application* How many times in life do we feel trapped like there is no way out of a particular situation and no possible solution to a dilemma. God can make streams in the dessert and dry land to walk across when your back is against the wall (Isaiah 44:3-4). He can make a way where there is no hope at all. Trust in Him with whatever circumstance you find yourself in today!

-The LORD sent confusion amongst the Egyptians as they pursued their enemies into the Red Sea, and their chariot wheels swerved making driving difficult. They realized they were in over their heads as the LORD was fighting for the sons of Israel. But, before they could retreat Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the water returned killing the entire Egyptian army. “Thus the LORD saved Israel that day from the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore. When Israel saw the great power which the LORD had used against the Egyptians, the people feared the LORD, and they believed in the LORD and in His servant Moses (Exodus 14:30-31).” *Application* Here are the two great biblical principles that lead us to salvation and knowing the LORD. Fear the LORD; this is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge (Proverbs 1:7; 9:10). This is reverential awe of His power. He is ultimately in control and we are called to submit to His authority, which is kind and just. Secondly, belief in the LORD is essential. Without faith it is impossible to please God “for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).


Verses to Memorize: Exodus 14:14, 31

Friday, August 23, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 13

Exodus 13


-The consecration of the firstborn of man and beast is what God communicates with Moses as the LORD leads them out of the places where they lived in Goshen toward Succoth and then Etham on the edge of the wilderness.

-The LORD institutes the feast of unleavened bread with them as a remembrance of all He had done to deliver the children of Israel from the oppressive hands of the Egyptians. “With a powerful (mighty) Hand the Lord brought you out of Egypt (Exodus 13:9, 14, 16)” is the refrain that is reiterated to remind them of their deliverance from slavery. *Application* Again remember that this has significance for us in the realm of our salvation. Sin had us in bondage until the powerful Hand of Christ delivered us through His death, burial, and resurrection. We should forever remember and be thoroughly grateful for the work that our God has done for us to redeem and rescue us. Do not forget the power of God’s Hand!

-The redemption of the firstborn serves as a sign on the children of Israel’s hands and as phylacteries on their foreheads to sanctify them before the LORD. It is a constant reminder of His power and how He killed every firstborn in the land of Egypt because of their stubbornness in letting them go when it was the appointed time.

-Now God took them out toward the Red Sea by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. He was always with them and never left them. He took them on a route that would avoid war with the Philistines even though it would have been a shorter route. War would be avoided going this way and the devastation of seeing that, the LORD knew, may make them faint of heart and return to captivity. *Application* We need to be willing to let the LORD take us on His path and in His time. He knows what is best and what we need to avoid. The shortest way is not always the best way and God knows the pitfalls to steer us away from. We should let Him always guide the way even when it may not make the most rational sense to us in our frame of thinking. Remember that God’s ways are always best. Spiritual warfare is intense and the LORD knows exactly what we can and cannot handle in our spiritual development. Take time to properly grow!

-The bones of Joseph are taken out of Egypt as he had made them swear (Genesis 50:24-25, Joshua 24:32). The prophesies had come true and the Israelites were heading back to their promised land covenanted to them by the LORD.


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 13:22

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 12

Exodus 12


-The Passover is initiated with its ordinances for the children of Israel and all who will become circumcised under the covenant. This becomes the beginning of months for the Jewish nation and sets the course for their national identity. It is to be a perpetual celebration and ordinance throughout their generations commemorating the work that the LORD did in bringing them out of slavery by His mighty right Hand. The firstborns of all the Egyptians and their beasts (livestock) were struck down dead and a mighty wailing cry arose in the land. The Hebrews were ushered out immediately with the favor, gold, silver, and clothing of their oppressors. “Thus they plundered the Egyptians (Exodus 12:36b).”

-*Application* A hermeneutical device used here for many interpreters is typology. What is history and observable in the Hebrew people is a “type,” which helps us understand a deeper spiritual meaning in our own experience with the LORD. The land of Egypt would represent our natural state, which is in disobedience and sin before the LORD and estranged from Him in bondage (slavery). Our release comes when we groan for God and His deliverance from this bondage (Exodus 2:23-24). God hears us and has mercy on us to come and save through His incarnate Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is our Passover; see the types here depicted in Exodus as a pointing, or perhaps we shall say a tutor (teacher, educator) to help us understand better the work of Christ (Galatians 3:24-25). He is the perfect Lamb of God (John 1:29) who was killed for our transgressions in a substitutionary atonement so that the LORD will “Passover” our sins and iniquities. The blood which was applied represents the shed blood of Jesus on the cross. The shape of the lintel and two doorposts where the blood was to be applied forms the shape of a cross. Anyone who was under the blood was safe from the death angel. This applied not just to the Jews, but anyone who would apply the blood. God made no distinction here; it was open for all. These were under His blessing and were released from death. Salvation was theirs and they were freed from their bondage. A release was given. In future chapters the Christian walk is further defined in this typology hermeneutic. Read on!

-430 years to the day when they arrived in Egypt, the children of Israel left with all the hosts of the LORD. God had come through big time and the slaves were finally set free. But, this is only the beginning as the 600,000 men (not including children and probably women) and a mixed multitude (Exodus 12:37-38) ventured away from their captivity. They went out with rejoicing seeing the awesome and mighty Hand of the LORD with all they owned plus their plunder, but the adventure was just beginning.


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 12:12

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 11

Exodus 11


-Chapter 11 recounts the exchange of words between the LORD, speaking through Aaron and Moses, and Pharaoh before the very last plague. A complete driving out is prophesied and the children of Israel are instructed to ask from his neighbor for the articles of silver and gold. The LORD gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians and Moses was highly esteemed in all the land of Egypt.

-The LORD’s warning is crystal clear as to what was about to happen giving Pharaoh and Egypt one last chance to repent and let God’s people free without repercussions. However, Pharaoh’s heart remained hardened and his eyes were blinded to what was about to envelop his land and his people including his own family.

-Some of Moses’ last words to Pharaoh included the fact that God was making a distinction between Egypt, who worshiped false gods, and Israel, who worshiped the true and living God. *Application* This is the great line of separation and still is today. There is only one truth, one way, and one life, which comes only through Jesus Christ, God’s Messiah (John 14:6). God has only one way to salvation and it is up to us to accept that reality.

-Moses leaves Pharaoh’s presence in hot anger, and the LORD reassures him that there is purpose in this so that His wonders will be multiplied in the land of Egypt. Pharaoh fulfilled the word of God by hardening his heart to the things of God one last time, and it would destroy his soul, his family, his pride, and his nation. *Application* Oh friend, if the LORD is calling you please do not spurn His voice and turn your own way. Call upon the Name of the LORD while you can and receive His forgiveness and restoration that comes abundantly and freely to all that will accept Him (Isaiah 55:6, Romans 10:13). He is gracious and compassionate abounding in love and favor for those who cry out to Him (Exodus 34:6, 2 Chronicles 30:9, Nehemiah 9:17, Psalm 103:8, Joel 2:13, Jonah 4:2).


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 11:5

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 10

Exodus 10


-Two more plagues and interaction between Pharaoh and Moses and Aaron are given for us in chapter 10. God reveals again His purposes for the signs and wonders and hardening. His purpose is for knowledge and acceptance of the Holy One, the Righteous One, the All-Powerful One. “That you may know that I AM the LORD (Exodus 10:2).” These works were manifested for a perpetual testimony throughout the generations to the awesomeness of the Living God and that there was no other god besides Him. The testimony was instructed to be taught and carried on into the future. *Application* God reveals Himself to us so that we can instruct others in the knowledge of His greatness.

-As Moses and Aaron go before Pharaoh for one of the last times they give him the word of the LORD asking the question, “How long will you refuse to humble yourself before Me (Exodus 10:3)?” This gives us the heart and root issue facing the god of Egypt, Pharaoh. He simply could not bring himself to acknowledge that there was a power greater than himself and kept refusing to let God’s people go so that they could fulfill His purposes back in the land of promise. His stubbornness is known by the LORD and drastic action has to happen and keep happening to bring about the release of the Hebrew people. He would not even listen to his servants who were telling him that Egypt is destroyed because of his actions. They realized that Moses was a snare to them and that he needed to be let go along with the children of Israel.

-Now locusts cover the land and eat the remaining vegetation left after the tremendous hail storm. Pharaoh hurriedly calls for Moses and Aaron as he realizes the complete annihilation that this plague is causing. He even acknowledges his sin against the LORD and the children of Israel and begs for the prayers of the righteous. Moses graciously makes supplication to the LORD, and the LORD does relent by shifting the wind so that the locusts are driven into the Red Sea. But, Pharaoh’s heart is again hardened by the LORD, and he again refused to let the people go. *Application* Waffling back and forth is a horrible approach to God. He was overly gracious with Pharaoh as we see here in the text, but he spurned the grace of God and went back to his pride. For Pharaoh, and us as well, the LORD’s patience eventually runs out, and His wrath comes only after every effort is made to draw us into His love and protection. It is foolish to keep resisting God and His authority in our lives. Don’t let His patience run out on you. Give up and run to Him, for His mercy is great and it endures forever. You’ll be glad you did.

-Darkness is now covering the earth in the next to last plague of God’s demonstrated power in Egypt for the release of the captive children of Israel. This is an intense darkness that could be felt, which was an ever increasing and ominous declaration that the gods of Egypt were futile to do anything against the LORD. God was making a statement against false gods. Let’s review a bit to see the powerlessness of the Egyptians gods as they began to realize the LORD’s power. Hapi, the god of the Nile River, could not prevent the waters from turning to blood (Exodus 7:20). Hathor, the shrewd cow-goddess, was helpless as Egyptian livestock died in vast numbers (Exodus 9:6). Amon-Re, the sun god and head god of the Egyptians, could not stop an entire and eerie darkness from covering the land for three full days (Exodus 10:21-22). God was marking out His exclusivity as the true, living-personal Being that was the only One worthy of being worshiped. He made these things manifest to not only His children of the promise, but the Egyptians as well. If we understand the cultural context, we see that God made every effort in His desire to draw them to repentance and knowledge of His truth. In other words, His wrath on them in the end was justified because He made every attempt to show them the way to life.

-Pharaoh was willing at this point to let them go with their children, but he wanted the livestock to remain with him. This partial disobedience was once again nullified by Moses in argument that sacrifices had to be made and the exact number had not yet been determined; therefore, the livestock must go with them. This led to Pharaoh’s last refusal to let them go. Pharaoh threatens Moses with death if he sees his face again. Moses prophesies in retort that indeed Pharaoh will not see his face again. The stage is set for the Passover.


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 10:27

Monday, August 19, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 9

Exodus 9


-Three more plagues are described in chapter nine with no more effect on Pharaoh in the end than the first ones. Moses and Aaron maintained that he should “Let My people go, that they may serve Me…” from the LORD, but the response remained bitter and anti-God in the final analysis. The distinction was made every time between Israel and Egypt that the world would know that there was a powerful God who was ultimately in control and wanted His rightful place to be worshiped. There is no One like Him in all the earth (Exodus 9:14). *Application* We must understand God’s redemptive purpose in all that happened during the Egyptian plagues. God wanted mankind to know and obey His ways. The stubbornness of man is the great theme we must keep in mind as we read these acts of the LORD. He would have relented at any point if the hearts of the Egyptians would have come into conformity with His will. Our arrogance towards God will never allow us to succeed ultimately. The quicker we give up ourselves to His perfect will, the quicker we will experience true and good life to the full (John 10:10). Submit to His authority and He will raise you up in His power for His glory. This is always His purpose and plan. He has plans for you to prosper you (Jeremiah 29:11).

-The first plague was the death of all the livestock in Egypt. The second was boils that made the magicians crazy. The third was a fierce and violent hail, thunder, and lightening storm that destroyed much in the land. There was a gracious warning to take cover in this storm.

-Pharaoh admitted sin with this plague and claimed the LORD as the righteous One and that his people were wicked. He asked again for supplication, which Moses did, and he promised he would let them go and not have to stay any longer. All these acts of God were done so that they would know that the earth is the LORD’s. This is Moses’ plea, but he knew that Pharaoh did not yet fear the LORD God. When the LORD relented, Pharaoh again hardened his heart and he did not let them go, just as the LORD had spoken through Moses (Exodus 9:35).


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 9:1, 14

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 8

Exodus 8


-The plagues are now under way with three more coming in this chapter. The first one has to do with the frogs coming onto the land and into their houses and bedrooms and beds and into their cooking facilities. Every aspect of their lives was altered by the frogs. The magicians were able to do the same with their secret arts, but this time Pharaoh called upon Moses and Aaron to entreat the LORD for the removal of the frogs. Pharaoh said he would let them go at this point, but when relief was given by the LORD, he hardened his heart and did not listen to them just as the LORD had said would happen (Exodus 8:15).

-The swarms of gnats and insects were commanded by the LORD upon the land. Now it had gotten to the point that the Egyptian magicians could not duplicate the feats, and they counseled Pharaoh that this was the finger of God. But Pharaoh’s heart was hardened as predicted, and he did not listen to them.

-There was also now a division between the Hebrews and the lands of the Egyptians. Goshen, where the Hebrew people were, was not affected by the swarms of insects. The LORD gave His people separation from the plight of His plagues. *Application* God is our protection in adversity. Pray the prayer that God will have mercy on His servants in this day and age in the midst of His wrath and judgment on a wicked world.

-Pharaoh is beginning to crack a bit and tells Moses and Aaron they will be able to go sacrifice to their God in the land of Egypt. Moses, at the LORD’s direct command, stands firm on the three day’s journey into the wilderness. *Application* Pharaoh wanted partial obedience from the Hebrews, but Moses knew what God had commanded and would not back down from it. When God gives you instructions, don’t compromise at any point. Otherwise, your partial disobedience is fully a sin against God. He will bless you eventually when you remain utterly true and faithful. Stick to His Word!

-Pharaoh makes promises to let them go and is asking for supplication from the prophet, which he got. God did what Moses asked for, but Pharaoh again spurned the LORD and hardened his heart against Him. He did not let the people go. *Application* There is something to be said for honesty and following through with what you promise here. Pharaoh’s word was no good. He went back on his promise. Do we follow through with people on the things we tell them we will do for them? Be a person of your word.


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 8:15

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 7

Exodus 7


-Moses is made as God to Pharaoh with power from on high and Aaron is the prophet that will speak to Pharaoh and tell him all that the LORD says for the release of the sons of Israel from their Egyptian captivity.

-God hardened Pharaoh’s heart so that His signs and wonders would be multiplied in the land of Egypt. This was God’s will and it was redemptive in purpose. The LORD knew Pharaoh’s heart was evil and that repentance was not going to be a part of his life. Therefore, his heart toward the LORD was hardened and he fulfilled all that God had ordained for the purpose of making His Name great in the whole world. Egypt was the world power at this time, and the works of the LORD would become known everywhere through these signs and wonders.

-The plagues start with the staff being turned into a snake, which was able to consume the magicians of Pharaoh’s serpents. *Application* Satanic forces can often duplicate by illusion or tricky the miracles of God. They do have power, but it is never to the level of the LORD’s work. Don’t be fooled by the imitation. Seek the real deal of the LORD God Almighty.

-The second plague is also duplicated as the waters of the Nile are turned to blood killing the fish that were in it. Most of the country was affected now by this plague, but Pharaoh was still unmoved and unconcerned even for this (Exodus 7:23). The compulsion of the LORD had not yet begun to effect his decisions, but it soon would. *Application* Don’t be hard headed like Pharaoh when the LORD tries to show you something that you need to do to change and come in line with His ways. The sooner you turn to God the better off you will be, always!


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 7:1

Friday, August 16, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 6

Exodus 6


-The LORD immediately answers the desperate agony of Moses’ frustration as chapter 6 begins (Exodus 5:22-23). He will now be shown the power of God as the LORD will do what He has to do to get Pharaoh’s attention and let His children be free from slavery. It will be under compulsion. In other words, Pharaoh will force the LORD’s hand to do awesome and mighty plagues on the land and people of Egypt to the point that the Hebrews will be driven out into freedom. *Application* There comes a point when God fights for His chosen people for their good. Wait on the LORD and let Him fight your battles (1 Samuel 17:47).

-God speaks further to Moses concerning His Name, which He has now given to Moses His servant. He recounts His covenant given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty, but LORD (I AM) is a new revelation and has delivering power associated with it for this situation. He will redeem them with an outstretched arm (His special and vigorous action) and great judgments (Exodus 6:6). They will be His people and He will be their God with complete knowledge of Him in His delivering power (Exodus 6:7).

-Moses is told to go to the sons of Israel with this message, but their despondency and cruel bondage had left them with no hope and they did not listen. With this, God told Moses to go to Pharaoh, but he didn’t think Pharaoh would listen and again had no confidence because of his speech impediments. But the LORD gave them (Moses and Aaron) charge to the sons of Israel and Pharaoh to bring them out of the land of Egypt.

-The listing of the heads of the families of Israel is denoted with some genealogical information. This has important historical significance and is worth investigating as the narrative plays out.

-At the end of the chapter the LORD is speaking again the same words to Moses and he again is showing his lack of confidence in what the LORD is doing through him. *Application* There are times in our lives when our faith is weak. Even though we want to trust the LORD for all our provision and sustenance we lack the patience and confidence to let Him show up and demonstrate His great power. When you have those feelings, remember this biblical story of Moses and the LORD’s great and awesome strength to overcome all obstacles. Learn from the examples God gives us. He is LORD!


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 6:1

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 5

Exodus 5


-Moses and Aaron go before Pharaoh with the request to let the people go to the wilderness for a three day feast to the LORD and sacrifice to Him. They tell the Pharaoh that pestilence or the sword will befall them if they are disobedient to this command of the LORD. This is the word of the LORD God.

-However, Pharaoh answers in defiance just as the LORD had warned. Pharaoh does not know God and sees no reason to bow down to His or these slaves demands. He does not let them go and in fact creates tension in their camp because of the increased work load. The people of Israel are seen as lazy and therefore more work is exacted cruelly on them as they will now have to gather their own straw for the bricks they were forced to make. The quota though for the day’s production remains the same, and the taskmasters pressed them into hard service, too hard to even complete reasonably. The foremen are beaten for their not being able to make the quota.

-This dilemma brings the foremen of the sons of Israel before Pharaoh asking why he is being so cruel on them. Pharaoh accuses them again of being lazy and nonsensical for wanting to go and sacrifice to the LORD. This reaction drives the foremen back to Moses and Aaron with complaint because they had now become a stench in the nostrils of Pharaoh and they feared physical harm by the sword.

-Moses goes before the LORD and pleads, “O LORD, why have You brought harm to this people? Why did You ever send me? Ever since I came to Pharaoh to speak in Your Name, he has done harm to this people, and You have not delivered Your people at all (Exodus 5:22-23).” *Application* Sometimes when we follow through with what the LORD is asking us to do it starts out bad, rough, and even terrible. There will always be a crisis of faith when you step out into God’s preferred plan for the future. When these ordeals seem insurmountable, remember that God is in control and will work out the situation in His favor every time (Romans 8:28). There will always be struggles and obstacles to overcome, but don’t give up on what the LORD has told you to do. We see the frustration of Moses here and the honest questions he has before God. This is evidence that he was merely human just like we are and has trouble seeing the big picture sometimes. At those moments in our lives, we must learn to trust in God all the more and let His ideal plan develop.


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 5:22-23

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 4

Exodus 4


-The conversation between God and Moses takes a turn as we begin chapter 4. Moses’ fear surfaces as he communicates concern over the acceptance of his (or really God’s) message. The LORD lovingly gives him three miraculous signs, which he can use to demonstrate that the power of God is with him. *Application* When God is in something, He will provide the power and authority to accomplish it. He will not let it fail. He always comes through. Don’t let the fear of man ever hinder you from doing God’s will and fulfilling His call.

-Then Moses begins to use excuses for why he is not a good candidate for this particular mission. He states that he is slow of speech and slow of tongue. This once again revolves around fear and the thought of being embarrassed or rejected. God reminds him that He is the maker of the mouth and the eyes. He is in control and will bring His purposes to pass. *Application* In what ways do we make excuses in trying to get out of what the Lord is telling us to do? Often we are just like Moses in our fear and trepidation.

-Moses flatly attempts to get out of his God-given assignment by the end of the conversation. He wants someone else to do this task, which draws the LORD’s ire and a solution to the excuses Moses is making. God will call Aaron, Moses’ brother, and he will be his mouth piece. Moses will speak all the words of the LORD into him and Aaron will speak out to the audience. God makes a promise that He will teach them (the plural form of you is used here in the Hebrew) what they are to do. *Application* God is persistent with us sometimes and bears with us giving us the adequacy we need to accomplish the tasks that He has called us to. Thank the LORD for His forbearance in situations like these.

-Moses goes back to Jethro and gets permission to go as the LORD had commanded him, and his father-in-law tells him to go in peace. This is not insignificant. Moses goes through the proper procedures and protocol to do his assignment. Thankfully Jethro gives him his blessing, which shows his willingness to help his son-in-law accomplish the will of the LORD.

-The time comes when the LORD speaks to Moses again in Midian and tells him to go to Egypt because the ones that wanted him dead are deceased themselves. So Moses takes his wife and sons, mount them on a donkey, and returns to the land of Egypt with his staff in hand.

-The LORD assures him of his destiny and that the power is his from Him, but He also warns that Pharaoh will harden his heart and not let the people go. God, who sees the end from the beginning, gives the final analysis for Pharaoh to Moses from the start. He will kill his firstborn son because of his hardness in not letting God’s children go to serve Him (Exodus 4:22-23). This ends up being the final act of the plagues God brings on Egypt (Exodus 11, 12:29-30).

-A strange portion of Scripture for interpretation now comes in Exodus 4:24-26. What is going on here is that God was about to kill His servant for not obeying His covenant of circumcision. It is understandable that Moses would have had limited knowledge of this law of the LORD since he was raised in Pharaoh’s household and the other half of his life to this point had been spent in the wilderness of Midian. The requirements of the covenant with Israel (Genesis 17) had not been carried out in 400 years. He also had a foreign wife who apparently from the reading opposed circumcision. The key point here theologically for us is that Moses could not effectively serve as deliverer of God’s people until he had fulfilled to conditions of God’s covenant, and one of these conditions was certainly circumcision. Moses and his family had to follow the LORD’s commands completely before he was allowed to move forward. What we must understand is that failing to circumcise your son was to remove yourself and your family from God’s blessings. Moses had to learn that disobedience towards the LORD was even more hazardous than dealing with the Egyptian Pharaoh.

-Now Aaron is called by God and meets his brother in the wilderness in a sweet reunion. Moses told him all the words of the LORD that he had been sent to deliver and the signs that He commanded him to do. Then Moses and Aaron went to the land of Egypt and told the elders all the words of the LORD and then Moses performed the signs (1 Corinthians 1:22). So the people believed and realized that God was about to do something incredible in their generation and they bowed low and worshipped Yahweh, the great “I AM.”


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 4:15

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 3

Exodus 3


-Moses was now pasturing the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro (or Reuel, Exodus 2:18). What a humble job he was now performing compared to the riches and honor he enjoyed as he grew up as an adopted son of Pharaoh’s princess. He had been used to having all his needs provided, and his culture would have taught him that sheep herding was detestable (Genesis 43:32; 46:32-34). Now he was doing everything himself, but God was teaching him about the people he would lead out of Egypt. *Application* God uses every experience to equip us for His good purposes as we stay obedient to His call and direction. Allow every opportunity to become a teachable moment in your life. God doesn’t waste occurrences and incidents.

-It is while he is tending the sheep that the LORD visits him at His mountain, Mount Horeb (or Mt. Sinai). He appears in a burning bush that catches Moses’ attention because it is not being burned up, yet it flames and flames. Moses turns aside to glimpse this marvelous sight (Exodus 3:3). *Application* God will do some amazing things to grab and hold your attention if you are observant enough.

-The LORD begins to speak as He calls out Moses’ name. He tells him not to come too near, for he is standing on holy ground and a respectful removing of the sandals is required. Obviously Moses is afraid and hides his face from the Holy One. Then God assures him that He has seen the affliction of His people who are in Egypt. He has given heed to their cries for help because of their taskmasters. He was certainly aware of the whole situation and their sufferings. Now was the time of His coming down for deliverance from their oppressors and oppression. *Application* God is just and will defend His people. Sometimes this takes longer than we’d like or think, but God knows best and acts when it is perfectly appropriate.

-God’s purposes are indicated in this meeting with His servant Moses. He is going to bring His people out of their slavery to a good and spacious land that flowed with milk (probably refers to the goat’s milk of the region of Israel) and honey (probably refers to the date palm honey of the region of Israel). He also recognized the coming conflict and enemies that would need to be removed in the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites (do a web search to find out more about these ancient cultures that inhabited the land of God’s promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob). The LORD promises to be with His servant as He commands him to go to Pharaoh for the release of the captives. Moses doesn’t think that he is of the pedigree to do such a task at this point. God gives him a sign that he will come back to Mt. Horeb (Mt. Sinai) to worship the LORD.

-Now Moses asks for the Name of this God who is sending him for the deliverance of His people. God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM…I AM has sent me to you (Exodus 3:14).” This Name shall be His Name forever. It is the self-existent title of the Living God who is. It is the form of being verb denoting His eternality and reliance on no one. This is the God of the universe making Himself known and revealed to man. This was to be His memorial Name of all generations. From the Hebrew form as it has come down to our English language as pronounced Yahweh or sometimes Jehovah. Kind of mind blowing when we think about it, right?

-God also promises that the elders of the Hebrew people would listen to him and go with him before Pharaoh in this daunting task of freedom. However, a prophecy is given by the LORD that Pharaoh is known by God and he will not permit the children of Israel to go easily. It will have to be by compulsion that they are released. *Application* God absolutely knows the heart of each man and has perfect understanding. This doesn’t mean that He controls or manipulates them in any way. God gives Pharaoh free will just like anyone else, but the LORD knows exactly Pharaoh’s response and reactions before they ever take place. This is how prophesy works. God’s foreknowledge must be understood properly in these seemingly deterministic matters.

-God knows that He will have to strike Egypt with all His miracles for the purpose of getting His children out of slavery. Further, He will bless His children as they go out with favor in the sight of the Egyptians and they will not go out empty-handed. They will end up plundering the Egyptians in the end with their silver, gold, and clothing.


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 3:14

Monday, August 12, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 2

Exodus 2


-The story of Moses begins with his salvation from the Nile as he is rescued by Pharaoh’s daughter. Moses’ sister arranges his mom to be the nurse for her own little boy in times of persecution. Once again we see the sovereignty of God being demonstrated to His people and His plan for the redemption of mankind. Moses grows up in Pharaoh’s house as an educated, adopted son of his daughter with power and prestige. He would give all this up for his people and his God one day according to the LORD’s purpose (Hebrews 11:24-26). *Application* When God wants something to happen, it will, and no force on earth can stop it. What does the LORD want to do in your life? He has a call out for you too. Take time to inquire of Him about what that is and then obey the call.

-Circumstances necessitate Moses’ fleeing to Midian where he meets Reuel, the priest of Midian, and his seven daughters, one of which would be given as his wife, Zipporah. Moses had chosen to fear God more than man for the first time that we know of. This would be a trait that continued to be developed in this great and humble prophet of God who would change the course of history (Numbers 12:3). By faith he spurned the passing pleasures of sin and comfort in Pharaoh’s house and went forward as a sojourner and later received ill-treatment with the people of God (Hebrews 11:24-27). Because of his sojourning he named his first son, Gershom. *Application* How content are we in our walk with God? Are we at times too complacent with the status and position that we have been given? Sometimes, as we see here, our prosperity is a test to see where our heart really is. If we are not careful, we will gravitate to the pleasures and riches and cares of this temporary world and miss out on the LORD’s greater purpose (Matthew 13:22, Luke 18:18-24).

-Now the narrative turns to a new phase as the king of Egypt died and the sons of Israel begin to cry out to their God, to which He heard and responded from Heaven. The LORD heard their groaning, knew their needs, and remembered His covenant with them through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He took notice of them and things were about to miraculously change. Slavery was about to become freedom! *Application* Notice carefully the process that takes place. Many times in Scripture we see people crying out to God in their affliction and down times. One thing we must remember about the Creator of the Universe is that He hears and responds to His creation. Don’t ever think that the Almighty is aloof and not paying attention. He is not some God that is distant in any way. He is with us.


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 2:24


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 1

Exodus 1


-Four hundred and thirty years after the time of Joseph (Exodus 12:40, Acts 7:6), the Hebrew children are set free to return to their promised land. Exodus begins before this releasing with a new king who arises over Egypt that did not know Joseph and feared the multiplication and might of the Hebrew people. Therefore, oppression becomes the theme of the first chapter of Exodus. He enslaves the sons and daughters of Israel making them labor vigorously building storage cities in Pithom and Raamses and making them work hard in the fields. They worked with brick and mortar very rigorously as slaves.

-The dread of the sons of Israel continued to grow as they kept multiplying and increasing in might. The Egyptian rulers made their lives bitter with increasingly hard labor, but God was with His children.

-The king of Egypt plotted against the Hebrew boy population by telling the Hebrew midwives to put to death males that were being born. However, these women feared God and did not do as the Pharaoh commanded. The LORD blessed them for their fear of Him and established households for them even though they had lied to Pharaoh. They had done the greater good of promoting God’s plan for redemption by saving lives. This, just like with Rahab later on (Joshua 2:1-6), does not make this a sinless act, but is used for God’s purposes.

-Pharaoh takes another step in dread of the Hebrews by commanding the people of his nation to cast every male Hebrew child into the Nile. The evil of this king is clearly evident and God was now at work to deliver His people, although it would be a process and take some time (approximately 80 years, Exodus 7:7).

-*Application* Oppression is never a good way to handle your business. What began as a place of refuge and salvation for the sons of Israel, in time turned into a place of slavery and bondage. Why did this happen? It was because the new Pharaoh did not know God and feared an uprising against him. He was egotistical and wanted to build his own kingdom rather than making good lives for the people in his land. Being a good leader of whatever domain God has given is important. Treat your people with the love of God and bless them with favor. In other words, be the opposite kind of person this new king of Egypt was. Also, we see the blessings of obedience to God rather than man in the story. Resolve to fear God over man in every situation and you will incur His favor.


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 1:8

Thursday, August 1, 2013

2 Kings Bile Study Notes- Chapter 25

2 Kings 25


-Zedekiah’s rebellion (2 Kings 24:20) caused Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, to come and lay siege on Jerusalem in the ninth year of Zedekiah’s reign. This lasted until his eleventh year, when the famine in the city became so severe that there was no food left. Then, the city was broken into, and all the men of war with the king fled by night east toward the Arabah. They were captured however in the plain near the Jordan River/Dead Sea area near Jericho. They brought the king and his sons to the king of Babylon, who was north in Riblah. It was here that Zedekiah saw his last sight on earth as his sons were slaughtered before his eyes, and then his eyes were put out. He was taken prisoner with bronze fetters and brought to Babylon (2 Kings 25:1-7).

-The rest of the chapter details how Nebuchadnezzar sent his captain of the guard, Nebuzaradan, to Jerusalem in order to burn the Temple, the king’s house, and all the great houses in Jerusalem. They broke down the walls around the city, and the remainders of the people there were carried away into exile. Only some of the poorest of the land were left to be vinedressers and plowmen. The valuables of the Temple were carried away as plunder along with the priests, Temple officials, and government officials who remained there. These people were also brought to Riblah, as Zedekiah was, and there they were struck down and put to death. So Judah was decisively carried away into exile from its land (2 Kings 25:8-21).

-Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, was appointed by the king of Babylon to be the new governor of the territory. He advised compliance with the captors and to not be afraid of them and to serve them for the well being of the populace. However, there was one last attempt to reestablish the royal line, because the people of Judah knew and believed in the promises of God to the Davidic line as forever reigning on the throne. Ishmael, along with ten men, came and struck down Gedaliah and the Chaldeans who were with him at Mizpah. At this point, in shear fear and trepidation they fled to Egypt (2 Kings 25:22-26).

-The book ends with a glimmer of hope and grace as a new king, Evil-merodach, comes on the throne of Babylon in the thirty-seventh year of exile of Jehoiachin, king of Judah, and releases him from prison. Evil-merodach spoke kindly to Jehoiachin and set his position higher above the thrones of the other kings who were with him in Babylon. He changed his prison clothes and had his meals in the king’s presence regularly all the days of his life. He was even given an allowance by the Babylonian king each day for the rest of his life.

-*Application* God was still with His chosen people even in their time of punishment and exile in Babylon. He would bring them back as prophesied. The Old Testament books of Ezra and Nehemiah chronicle the return to the land and the rebuilding process, even though the Jews were still under Gentile authority. This basically remained the case until 1948, when they were declared once again a sovereign nation by the United Nations. In the midst of all that, the Davidic line King, Jesus Christ, appeared in the fullness of time (Galatians 4:4-5) to be the Redeeming Suffering Servant in His first incarnation. It is foretold that He will return and set up His everlasting Kingdom here on earth, back in Jerusalem, at some future point in time (Zechariah 14:3-9, Revelation 20-22). Anticipate that glorious day. His Kingdom is here now in part as His body of believers (the church), but it will have a future glory that will be unsurpassed as the rightful, righteous, and eternal King of Israel! The King of kings is coming! Be alert and be ready (Matthew 24:42-44; 25:13, Mark 13:35-37, Luke 12:40, 1 Thessalonians 5:6, 1 Peter 5:8)!


Verse to Memorize: 2 Kings 25:7