Thursday, March 8, 2012

Psalms Bible Study Notes Chapters 50-52

Psalm 50

-Theme: Contrast of the righteous Judge, God, and those who live in rebellion against His authority. The LORD desires sincere thanks, trust, and sacrifice.

-*Application* Romans 12:1-2 reminds us of the total offering of our bodies to the LORD in surrendered submission. This is our holy and acceptable offering unto the LORD, our total transformation spiritually into the will and image of God. We are not to be conformed to this world and it lusts any longer if we have given everything in our being to Christ (1 Peter 1:14). How tragic it is go against the will of the Father who owns everything and has knowledge and control of all. This rebellious state will not go unpunished and there will be none to deliver in that day. Please don’t turn away from God. He is wholly other than us and is supreme. He deserves our sacrifice of thanksgiving that honors Him. He is the only God of salvation.

Psalm 51

-Theme: The honest, humble, contrite, and broken plea for mercy unto the great God of our salvation will be heard and responded to by the LORD. He is the One who can blot out our sin.

-*Application* It is comforting to know that we can call upon the LORD and he will save us from the horrible things we do in life that displease Him (Romans 10:13). He is gracious, loving, and compassionate to those who turn unto Him and confess their iniquity. He will not turn the repentant away. He can actually cleanse us and take away our reproach by His great power offered to us by the cross of Christ Jesus. Our responsibility as we see here in this chapter is to know our transgressions as He knows them. Further, we must realize that it is God and God alone who we have sinned against when we do evil. Finally, we must acknowledge that He is just and blameless in His judgment and fully come under His authority. O, the blessings that will proceed out of our lives when we come into conformity with His will and desires. We are washed clean and we are given the wisdom and truth that we so earnestly and desperately seek from Him. We will have joy and gladness of heart that is now clean and steadfast in alliance with Him and His purposes. Our salvation is assured and we will become teachers of the way to peace and rest converting the sinners with His Word. “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise (Psalm 51:17).” Of course the opposite is true of the unrepentant. The LORD resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6, 1 Peter 5:5).

Psalm 52

-Theme: The ridiculous nature of living a life filled with evil and ill intent. God will judge these and break them down forever. On the other hand, be converted to God for spiritual sustenance by trusting in His lovingkindness and mercy.

-*Application* Lovers of evil will not prevail even though they may boast for a little while, speak falsehood, and devise destruction upon the godly. God and His people will have the final say in this matter. Don’t ever trust in the abundance of your riches. They cannot and will not save you. If your desire is for evil and corruption, abandon it while there is still breathe in you, before it is too late and you suffer pain and agony forever in spiritual separation from all that is good. You godly ones, wait on the Name of the LORD, for it is good and His presence endures forever.

Verses to Memorize: Psalm 51:10, 17

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