Monday, January 28, 2019

Bible Study Notes in Matthew- Chapter 9

Matthew 9

-This chapter revolves around the concept of faith in the Lord to accomplish great and mighty healings and life altering miracles. We see God’s compassion reigning supreme here as Christ’s ministry begins to take full shape. He is the Forgiver of sins, which the religious ones (scribes) falsely called blasphemous, and heals from disease, even a paralytic. From these first eight verses, we see that the Messiah has the power to: 1) forgive sins, 2) read the thoughts of man, 3) heal incurable ailments, and 4) receive awe and glory from people. One interesting thing to note at the end of this section is the testimony that God had given this authority not just to a Man, but “to men,” plural. This foreshadows the coming miracles of believers as they work in the power of the Holy Spirit, just as the Messiah did here in this instance (Matthew 9:1-8).

-*Application* It is important for us to see the more important aspects of our charitable work on this earth. Notice that Jesus addresses the spiritual condition of the paralytic first and foremost. The primary reason that he should take courage, Jesus says, is because his “sins are forgiven.” The Lord wasn’t interested as much in his physical condition as his spiritual state. He did take care of the physical need, but that was secondary. We should approach the good we do for others in the same fashion.

-God calls people to follow Him for advancement in the spiritual growth of the entire world. Right after Jesus had healed the paralytic there in Capernaum, He sees Matthew (Levi) sitting at his tax booth and implores him to come and follow Him. Capernaum was a key military center for Roman troops during this period of history as well as a thriving business community along the northern shores of the Sea of Galilee. Merchants would pass through this area from as far away as Egypt to the south and Mesopotamia to the north. Collecting taxes was a major part of the Roman system and Matthew was a privileged, but despised, part of that collection process. Tax collectors would charge commission on the dues owed the Roman government, and in most cases would accumulate exorbitant compensation for their work. This obviously irritated the local population of Jews since Matthew himself was Jewish but profiting off foreign domination (Zacchaeus was also a tax collector in Jericho, Luke 19:1-9). It was in this context that the Messiah calls Levi to leave everything else behind and come follow Him. Amazingly Levi does this. He leaves behind a lucrative business of shame and becomes a reputable disciple of Jesus Christ. He ends up giving us the gospel of Matthew as an endearing testimony of a life surrendered completely to the King of kings and His Kingdom (Matthew 9:9).

-*Application* When we read of actual events like this one where a successful man in the ways of the world gives up literally everything to follow Christ, what kind of inspiration does that spark in our own soul? When the Lord beckons, we have one of two choices: 1) Leave everything behind and follow Him, or 2) Make excuses and refuse the call of God (putting off a call is saying no to it, God expects immediate compliance). When we hear the voice of the Lord calling us, be like Levi going with Him on the amazing journey of faith.

-Matthew immediately hosted Jesus Christ and His disciples along with other Jews and Pharisees to celebrate his conversion in following after the Lord. The Pharisees made comments about why Jesus would associate Himself with such a sinner and the like, but Christ knew their hearts and addressed them. He proclaimed His mission, that it is the sick who need a physician, not the well. He desires compassion (love, inward change), not sacrifice (outward expression), and Jesus told the religious crowd to “go and learn” what that meant (Hosea 6:6, Matthew 9:10-13). Again, we see the repentance word come up and this was something that the hard-hearted Pharisees were unwilling to see, hear, or understand. They were self-righteous and loved to point out the wrong in others while neglecting their own imperfections. Jesus’ point should have been clear to them that they also needed a change of heart towards the Savior, but unfortunately, they missed it.

-*Application* How often do we commune with those that may be considered outcasts and rejects of the standard church scene? Jesus was not ashamed or afraid to interact with even the most despised members of His society to share the good news of the gospel. How much more should we be noticing and seeking out individuals who God is calling to be a part of His Kingdom?

-Here in this next section we see the disciples of John questioning Jesus about the lack of fasting they observe in His disciples compared to them. Jesus’ response is attended to alert them to His Messianic greatness as a time of celebration and joy, which they were never actually able to perceive. Jesus did maintain that there would come a time for His disciples to fast when the bridegroom is taken away. The Scripture uses this bridegroom analogy often as something that is known is compared to a deep spiritual truth concerning the Kingdom of God. This was the plaroma (the fullness of time) in which God came to be with man in special revelation through the incarnation of His Son (Galatians 4:4, Ephesians 1:10). Special rejoicing and celebration around this monumental event should have been expected if anyone really understood what was going on. Jesus even tried to explain this to these, but they continued to be blind and deaf (Matthew 9:14-15).

-*Application* There is a season for all things. In these seasons of the soul God wants us to react appropriately to every situation. It is His will for us to rejoice always (Philippians 4:4, Ephesians 5:16), but there are times when we should fast and make special efforts in seeking Him. What time is it in our life? Ponder this and act appropriately according to the word of the Holy Spirit.

-Jesus reiterates His point with two more illustrations designed to show how the new in Him had come. This is a precursor to the New Covenant, which He would establish with His blood on the cross of Calvary (Jeremiah 31:31, Luke 22:20, 1 Corinthians 11:25). It was a new day and a new way with the Son of God’s justifying sacrifice for the sins of mankind. Gone would be the old religious system tied up in the traditions that were manmade and cumbersome on the soul of man. Righteousness was now going to be attainable. Those who wanted to cling to the old system would say that it was good enough (Luke 5:39), but they failed to realize that it could never bring salvation and impute the righteousness of God on a person. It only restrained evil by the enforcement of the rigid law that was perfect as far as God gave it, but it proved impossible for man to keep. Therefore, in His mercy and compassion, God gave His only begotten Son to be the substitutionary atonement for our sins (Hebrews 10:1-10). These deep theological truths Jesus spoke in parables, which flew right over the head of most of these hard-hearted hearers (Matthew 9:16-17).

-*Application* The “old wine skin” has become synonymous with traditional manmade systems that have become too rigid and controlled to be of much Kingdom value. When we seek “new wine skin” we are breaking away from the religious spirit into the work of Christ in a freeing and more pliable situation that is commensurate with the Spirit of God. Often this causes tension with those who want to be unyielding and unchanging, but Jesus predicted these things would happen not only back then, but anytime a controlling spirit is present. At times like these it is best to break away and find a new container for our spiritual work. But, always remember to do it God’s way in love and without bitterness or jealousy.

-Matthew gives further evidence of the Lord’s Divine Nature as he relates the instance where Jesus receives the worship of a synagogue official and his request to raise his daughter from death. The man had the faith to come to the Lord asking Him to simply come and lay His Hand on her for resuscitation to life. The Lord got up with His disciples to follow the official, and had another miraculous encounter with a woman, because of faith, who had been suffering from a twelve-year hemorrhage in her body. She believed that if she could just touch His garment, she could become well, and it happened. Afterwards, God arrived at the official’s house to much derision, but performed an incredible miracle of healing in bringing life back into the synagogue official’s daughter. News of this event spread throughout all the land (Matthew 9:18-26). As Jesus was going from there, two blind men followed after Him crying out for mercy to the “Son of David.” The Messiah entered a house when the two came up to Him for healing. Jesus asked if they believed He could do this, and upon hearing their confession of faith, He restored their vision as “their eyes were opened.” He warned them not to spread the news sternly, but they disobeyed, out of sheer joy I’m sure, telling the news about Him throughout the land (Matthew 9:27-31). Next, a demon-possessed man was brought to Him, and the Lord cast it out allowing this mute man to speak. Obviously, this amazed the crowds as to the uniqueness of this Man, but the Pharisees jeered Him as being the ruler of demons to thus have authority over them (Matthew 9:32-34). A point Jesus would refute in other portions of Scripture (Matthew 12:22-30, Mark 3:22-27, Luke 11:14-20). Jesus is seen ending up in the chapter going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the Kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and sickness. He felt compassion for the people because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep with no shepherd. He commented to His disciples at this point, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest (Matthew 9:35-38).” Prayer then becomes the key in getting the work done of the Kingdom of God.

-*Application* Jesus was astute enough to perceive the real needs of people He ministered to. He was praying for and raising up workers for the harvest of souls relying on the power of God. We should be doing the same things just as He commanded here in this passage. We pray, He sends, He harvests.

Verses to Memorize: Matthew 9:13, 16-17, 35-38

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