Friday, January 25, 2019

Bible Study Notes in Matthew- Chapter 7

Matthew 7

-Jesus points out the fact that often people who are making judgments on others are imperfect themselves and should first do some intensive self-evaluation. Hypocrisy is the issue here and it has many applications in life. For instance, the dad who tells his son not to drink alcohol out with his friends while he himself comes home drunk will have little if any effect in providing a proper standard or role model for his son. This is the point of taking “the log out of your own eye” to see clearly with accurate and just judgment (Matthew 7:5). Further, Jesus speaks of those who we entrust ourselves to in the matters of instruction and judgments. After we have cleaned up our act and can be discerning in offering advice and counsel, it is wise to assess the recipients. Jesus illustrates how we can waste our time and be unjustly persecuted when we offer wisdom to the unholy (dogs) and unrighteous (swine or pigs) (Matthew 7:6). These were unclean animals according to God’s Law and their natural instincts (Deuteronomy 14:8, Proverbs 26:11, 2 Peter 2:22).

-*Application* Jesus is stating that we have to be careful with who we teach and lead. Because if we don’t, it can be very unproductive and even detrimental to us. Instead, entrust our righteous teaching to faithful people who will teach others in an ongoing progression after we have repented and lived in a manner worthy of leadership (2 Timothy 2:2). Only God is the ultimate Judge, and we should be ultra-careful to point people in His righteousness knowing that we are imperfect and need His cleansing purity, which is only found in Jesus’ atoning sacrifice by His blood.

-The principles of asking, seeking, and knocking are expounded upon here in verses 7-12. If we ask God, seek only Him and knock reverently upon His door, He will make sure that we receive, find, and have the door open (Revelation 3:20). God is good and knows how to give every perfect and righteous gift to mankind (James 1:17). We can place our trust in that fact.

-*Application* This should help us consider how to treat others also. We fulfill the Law and the Prophets when we treat others as we would want them to treat us.

-We see the authority of Jesus with His teaching here in this next section. He is making a distinction between the two ways that mankind can go in life towards his/her eternal destination. God’s way is narrow (not the majority, not popular, Matthew 7:13-14) and must be chosen with accuracy free from deception that the enemy and this world attempt to bring (Matthew 7:15). Jesus claims that we will know the righteous by their fruits (outward manifestations through deeds and works of an inward reality, i.e. “the soul, or heart, of man,’ Matthew 7:16-20). He warns that there are those who profess Christ outwardly, but actually do not “know” Him and therefore practice lawlessness (Matthew 7:23). The will of God is to act in faith on His words for hidden wisdom and the eternal hope in Him (Matthew 7:21, 24). Jesus also spoke of the well spring of life flowing with living water (John 4:14). He alone is the Originator of transformation and this is His point. The inner wellness will produce good fruit in its dispensation (distribution of things, giving out of something). If one is producing bad fruit there is sufficient evidence that the tree is rotten inside and, in reality, not part of God’s Kingdom (in other words saved, righteous, redeemed).  His will is for complete transformation by the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:1-2).

-*Application* We must build our house (life) upon the Rock (Jesus, the firm foundation, 2 Timothy 2:19). His anchor holds and will keep us safe in His security leading us home to be with Him in paradise in the final analysis (Hebrews 6:19). “You will know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:20)” seems to stand in stark contrast to the comment just nineteen verses earlier, “Do not judge so that you will not be judged (Matthew 7:1).” While we are not the ultimate Judge, Jesus tells us that it is ok to be fruit inspectors. This is a warning for our discernment as we do Kingdom work here on this earth. Be careful with whom we align yourselves in our ministry. If things are not being followed according to the Lord’s command, it is perfectly ok to inspect that and deal with it appropriately under God’s direction, supervision, and counsel. God tells us to be observant and notice things that will help us detect false motivations and intrigue (schemes) that are at best carnal and may possibly be totally not of God at all. “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves (Matthew 7:23).”

-Jesus teaches next that the foundation is crucial upon which we build. Christ Jesus is the firm foundation, the Rock, which is stable and can withstand the storms of this life compared to the foolishness of people who build their lives on shifting sand. As Jesus finished these words, the crowds that followed Him were absolutely amazed at His teachings because He spoke with authority, which was totally different from their experience with the religious scribes of their day (Matthew 7:24-29).

-*Application* For this firm foundation to be ours the Lord says we must hear His Word and act on it (Matthew 7:24, Luke 6:47). His Word is true and reliable, able to hold up under any circumstance and trial. We can count on it like we count on the sun coming up tomorrow.

Verses to Memorize: Matthew 7:1, 7-8, 12, 16-21, 23

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