Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Bible Study Notes in Matthew- Chapter 10

Matthew 10

-Jesus gave very specific authority and instructions before sending out His twelve disciples to preach the gospel, implore people to repent, heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons. They were to travel light and receive from the righteous along their journeys. They were told to go everywhere in the land of Israel, but not yet to the Gentiles or any city of the Samaritans (a half Jewish population hated because of mixing with Gentile cultures and pagan worship). Jesus had strong words for them and those they came in contact with, which need to be internalized by us in our own day and age. He warned of the persecution and whole-hearted devotion that was required to be Kingdom workers. The disciples knew that it was a dying to self and a walking in His power and authority that was the key after Jesus taught them. Jesus, recognizing and preparing them for the difficulties they would face in testifying of His goodness and Deity, spoke of endurance and a steadfast spirit, of not giving up or in. He taught them not to fear man, but God, who was the keeper of their souls. They were to be bold in their presentation and confess His Name unashamedly without worry. Soon they would see the power of the Holy Spirit on their lives and feel His continual presence with them, which gives wisdom and grace in each situation (Matthew 10:1-42).

-*Application* Our lives should be modeled around this instruction for our own lives. The disciples were people just like us and had to mature to be all that God wanted them to be. We also can do the same. We must take up our own cross and become strong Christians by faith.

Verses to Memorize: Matthew 10:8, 20, 22, 26, 37-39

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