Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Bible Study Notes in Matthew- Chapter 5

Matthew 5

-Jesus lays out important characteristics of the people who will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven that contradict the world’s system of pride and prestige as He sat down on the mountain and taught His disciples that came to Him. The poor in spirit (the broken) are blessed (the experience of hope and joy). Those that mourn (sorrow, repentant, grieving) will be comforted by the God who cares and has compassion. The gentle (humble, meek) will inherit the earth. The ones who hunger and thirst (an unyielding seeking and pursuit of) after righteous will find satisfaction. The ones who display mercy and grace in their lives will also receive the mercy and grace of the LORD. The heart must be pure in order to see God, and peacemakers (not peacekeepers) will be called the sons (or daughters if female) of God. Jesus gives special attention to those who are persecuted for His sake and righteousness. He encourages us to stay in the game and endure because He knows the pain and suffering that it brings when we stand up for Him and obey His commands in this world by faith (Matthew 5:1-12).

-*Application* It is incredibly difficult to follow these beatitudes. In fact it is impossible to achieve these things long term in our flesh (old nature, our natural state) and on our own. We may achieve some success short term, but to have lasting fruits we must receive God’s Holy Spirit (a transformation, a new birth) and walk in His power. This is a way of life that contradicts the natural inclinations and the ways of the majority in this world. This is what transformation is at the core. Soldier on and allow God to do things His way in our life. In the end we shall be blessed beyond measure by our great God and King.

-Next, Jesus uses the analogies of salt and light to urge His followers on the bigger and better things. Salt has the powerful effects of preserving (which was critical in this age of no electricity), flavoring, enhancing safety (as with helping the surface in icy conditions), irritating (as in salt in the wound), getting rid of bad odors, removing stains, restoring minerals, and a host of other things that God has put into this amazing mineral. Jesus says we must remain salty in our walk with Him. He also teaches that we are the light of the world as long as He is in us. No light should hide its illumination. We are to shine our Light, which is Christ, in such a way that others will see our good works and give glory to the proper Source, the Father in Heaven (Matthew 5:13-16).

-*Application* We must remain in Christ to accomplish these supernatural qualities. If His Spirit is in us, then we will be salt and light unto the glory of God. Rely on Him for this transformation, then excel in the energy flow He gives us so that we will never be rendered useless for the Kingdom of Heaven.

-Jesus explains His true intentions to fulfill the Law rather than demolish, or abolish, it. In other words, He supersedes the formality and penalty of the Law because of His atoning sacrifice on the cross. His grace is sufficient (Romans 3:24, 1 Corinthians 15:10, Titus 3:7, 1 Peter 1:2). This grace gives a whole new perspective to the demands and requirements of the Law, which Jesus expounds upon in this section. Grace requires new heart attitudes from within that have pure motives and are virtually unconcerned for the outward manifestation since that will take care of itself. Grace goes deeper and penetrates to the core of our being fulfilling God’s ultimate desire and plan for His creation in love. This is the essence of what Christ was discussing here in this passage. It has application in all the described areas of diversity, but its root is all unified, wrapped up in the commands “love God and love others.” This is the only way to “be perfect,” as our Heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:17-48).

-*Application* When we understand the true meaning of the Law and how it is applied to us for a redemptive purpose with a Savior to cover our transgressions, we can begin to walk free in God’s perfection and be holy even as He is holy (Leviticus 19:2, Matthew 5:48).

Verses to Memorize: Matthew 5:10, 16

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