Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Bible Study Notes in Matthew- Chapter 11

Matthew 11

-Jesus explains to John’s disciples that were sent by him how there were many proofs that He indeed was the “Expected One” (the Messiah). Jesus quotes Isaiah 35:5 and Isaiah 61:1 as evidence of His authenticity. He tells the crowd that “blessed is he who does not take offense at Me (Matthew 11:1-6, Luke 7:23).” Then, as John’s disciples were going away, He expounds on the ministry of John and his role, which was “more than a prophet in the spirit of Elijah (Malachi 3:1).” John prepared the way before Christ in leading the willing and believing to repentance from their sins and faith in the Messiah. However, Jesus addressed the unbelief of the Pharisees of that generation in a poignant way (Matthew 11:7-19, Luke 7:30-35). The unbelieving are presented the radical holiness and self-denying example of John and the inclusive nature of the Christ, yet they rejected both. This is the point Jesus made with His analogy to the flute with no dancing and the dirge with no mourning (Matthew 11:17, Luke 7:32). Jesus said in the end that wisdom is vindicated by her deeds (Matthew 11:19) and children (Luke 7:35).

-*Application* Again we see the fruitful consequences of inner change when Christ comes in and changes a person because of their humility, faith, and willingness to be transformed. Today, we should not harden our heart and make excuses, false rationalizations, or complaints that will keep us from His wisdom and truth. God presents His truth in a variety of ways to appeal to each and every individual. Recognize His abundant evidence.

-After pronouncing judgment on Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum for their unbelief and lack of repentance in their worldly wisdom and intelligence, God pronounces peace and rest to the infant-like trusting faithful who accept the true way of the LORD (Matthew 11:20-26). All things have been handed over to the Christ (Anointed, Messiah) by the Father and they are in complete unison (harmony, accord). Jesus is revealing the Father and inviting all who are weary and heavy-laden to come to Him for rest in the soul by taking on His yoke, which is gentle, humble in heart, easy, and light (Matthew 11:27-30).

-*Application* A yoke is a means to guide and control a farm animal into a specific destination and purpose. This is what the Lord wants to do with us in our lives as well (Jeremiah 29:11-13). His righteousness is what we need. His yoke is never burdensome nor ever too hard when we give Him control in trustful obedience. It is simple with everlasting blessings as a result. Take His yoke and enjoy what He gives freely.

Verses to Memorize: Matthew 11:11, 28-30

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