Saturday, August 4, 2012

Micah Bible Study Notes Chapter 4


Micah 4

-In the last days Jerusalem is prophesied to become the chief of the mountains as the house of the LORD raised above all the other hills (Micah 4:1). The nations will come to her to learn of the ways of God so that they can walk in His paths. The word of the LORD will come forth from this place as law, and He will judge and render decisions in a peaceful and productive environment where the need to train for war will cease (Micah 4:2-3). His people will walk in the Name of the LORD forever and ever (Micah 4:5). *Application* This phraseology is cross referenced with Isaiah 2:3-5 to near exactness and has become the model goal for the United Nations. In fact artists have envisioned this concept too, for example Michael Jackson (Heal the World, 1991), Stephen Stills (Feed the People, 2005), and lines from Les Misérables:

They will live again in freedom
In the garden of the Lord.
They will walk behind the ploughshare,
They will put away the sword.
The chain will be broken
And all men will have their reward.

Jesus will one day be the King reigning from Zion and all will finally be right with the world. What a wonderful world that will be!

-In that day the LORD declares that He will assemble the lame and gather the outcasts, even those whom He has afflicted and make them a strong nation as He reigns over them in Mount Zion (Micah 4:6-7). The former dominion will return.

-Micah curiously predicts that the peoples’ rescue will come in Babylon where the LORD will redeem them from the hands of their enemies (Micah 4:10). This occurred and can be explored further in 2 Chronicles 36:9-23 and Ezra 1-2.

-The chapter ends with the LORD’s wisdom verses the misunderstanding of the nations that assemble against Him and His people in the land. The LORD’s thoughts are purposeful as He gathers His enemies to the threshing floor to pulverize them and devote the nations’ unjust gain to Himself as He wills by His people (Micah 4:11-13). *Application* This end time prophecy reveals how the LORD’s ways are higher than our ways and that His thoughts far supersede our thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). We must concede His greater good to all of our current life circumstances and trust in His guidance and direction. His plans are always for our good if we love Him and are called according to His promise (Romans 8:28). Though tough times come, they will also go and the LORD teaches us valuable lessons of faith and dependence on Him through all of it if we will be open to learning of His ways. Endure and hope! This is a message we need to cling to. God wins in the end!

Verses to Memorize: Micah 4:2-3, 7

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