Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Bible Study Notes in Psalms- Chapter 137

Psalm 137


-Theme: Remembering God in times of trial and sorrow. Grief in Babylon. The vengeance of the LORD for His people’s sake.

-Historical Insight: This seems to be a lamenting song of remembrance during the captivity of the Jewish people of Judah in Babylon (during the 500’s B.C.). It is an anonymous Psalm.

-*Application* Regret is one of the worst things anyone can experience. This Psalm depicts the time in Israel’s history when they sat down and wept because of all that was lost due to disobedience before their LORD and Savior (Lamentations 1). Their singing and joy had been stymied. Their pain was real. They had seen tragedy (2 Chronicles 36:15-21). In their agony, they at least remembered Jerusalem and the glory of God. In their desperation they begged for their Sovereign’s mercy upon their souls and eventual vengeance upon those who had so ruthlessly destroyed their well-being. The lesson for us is that we too can cry out in solemn remembrance when we’ve done wrong and are suffering the consequences. God is in the grace and forgiveness business and wants us to acknowledge Him (Proverbs 3:5-6). He is the only One who can truly turn your mourning into complete joy (Revelation 21:4).


Verse to Memorize: Psalm 137:1

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