Monday, October 1, 2012

Harmony of the Gospels

94. Jesus and the woman taken in adultery- John 8:2-11

-Jesus was in the Temple area of Jerusalem teaching early in the morning when the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman who had been caught in the very act of adultery, which was punishable by death on both sides, man and woman (Leviticus 20:10). The Scriptures inform us that this was a test designed to trick the Master, but it failed miserably because of the Lord’s wisdom. On one hand if Jesus would have said not to kill her it would have been a violation of the Law of Moses and would have defamed His character as the Messiah. On the other hand, if He would have agreed to stone her as unto the Law, it would have been in violation of the Roman law, who did not permit Jews to carry out their own executions without permission (John 18:31). Jesus astutely and graciously made His point, “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her (John 8:7).” At this they one by one departed in defeat starting with the older ones. Jesus had passed another test from the religious crowd. When He was left alone with the woman He asked where her accusers were and if no one condemned her. At her answer, Jesus made the statement that He did not condemn her either and that she should go and sin no more. *Application* God’s grace and wisdom are needed for our lives every day to keep us from guilt and temptation. His mercy is what releases us from the past sins we’ve committed and His Holy Spirit within us is the strength to go and sin no more. Release your sins today by confession, agreeing with Him that sin is wrong and separates us from a loving fellowship with Him. Determine that you will let Him have His way in your life from this point forward to live in His glory and righteousness. This is God’s perfect will for you (Romans 12:1-2).

-Verse to Memorize- John 8:11

95. Jesus rebukes the Pharisees- John 8:12-59

-Jesus vehemently and passionately defends His Deity before the Pharisees in this section because He desperately wants their misunderstanding hearts to come to the realization of who He is. Over and over again He states how He is sent from His Father with whom He is in complete unity and does only the will of Him. He pleads with them to know the Father of truth and His Messiah, but their darkened minds can only conceive of the lies of their father, the devil. Jesus asserts that He is the “I AM,” the self-existing One who was before Abraham and greater than him along with all the prophets (John 8:53-54). These Pharisees sought to kill Him, but His time had not yet come. *Application* When you are confronted with these facts that Jesus asserted, it leaves you with one of two choices. You can either received Him as God, the LORD’s Messiah and trust Him for your salvation doing His Word, or you can make excuses and deny the truth of His claims. Putting off a decision like that is a negative response to Him. Make the wise choice today and accept Him into your life as Lord and Savior. He is the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6).

-Verses to Memorize- John 8:31-32

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