Monday, March 23, 2015

Bible Study Notes in Psalms- Chapter 119:145-160: Qoph and Resh

Psalm 119 (Qoph and Resh)- Verses 145-160


-*Qoph Application* Our deepest desire when we cry out to God with all our heart is for Him to answer and let us know that He is there and in control of our situation. This comes by faith, which is the assurance of things hoped for and the evidence (substance, conviction) of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). Because Christ is our Savior and has rescued us from the dominion of Satan, we shall keep His statutes out of reverence and love all the days of our lives (Acts 26:18). Our devotion knows no time limits; we can come before His throne of grace at any hour with confidence in the King to deliver us as we meditate on His Word and get revived (Hebrews 4:16). Though there may be threats to well-being externally, we shall fear no evil because the LORD is WITH us, He is near (Psalm 23:4; 91:1-16, Matthew 28:20 Roman 8:15-18). And, all His commandments are truth extending from the beginning on into eternity. His Word will never fail or pass away (Matthew 5:18; 24:35, Mark 13:31, Luke 16:17; 21:33).

-*Resh Application* We see the necessity of our affliction in this passage. Our affliction and trouble brings about our cries to the LORD for rescue, deliverance, and redemption. While salvation is far from the wicked, the believers who follow in obedience to God’s commands find His mercy and reviving strength. So, while our adversaries and persecutors may be many, don’t turn aside from His testimonies. Behold the treacherous ones and loathe (quwt- to be grieved by, detest) them because they do not keep the Word of the LORD. Pray for their salvation and a change of heart (Luke 6:28). Ask the LORD to consider how much you love His precepts (ways) and trust in the strength that is coming from Him. The sum of God’s Word is total truth and His righteous ordinances last forever, even after the wicked are erased. So, take pity on the losers who are currently outside the Kingdom, and love them like Jesus did sharing your precious faith (Matthew 9:36, Mark 6:34, Luke 19:41-44, Romans 10:15). Let love prevail in your affliction tests. Who knows, the very ones persecuting you may come to Christ and be radically transformed, like the Apostle Paul (Acts 9).


Verse to Memorize: Psalm 119:160

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