Saturday, September 30, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 29

1 Chronicles 29

-This is a great climactic chapter that is full of the joy and generosity of a grateful people with a whole heart after God at the end of David’s reign over Israel and the beginning of Solomon’s reign, which would complete the Temple building. The provision had been made by David with great passion, consideration, and care. And now he was excitedly and prayerfully turning the project and kingdom over to his son in a releasing of authority. The LORD was greatly blessed and honored for all that He had done among the nation and the people. His rightful credit was verified in many different ways. Gifts were given directly to God for His great Name, His provision, His lasting authority, His greatness, His power, His glory, His victory, His majesty, His dominion, His headship, His exaltation, His riches, His honor, His rule, His might, and His strength (1 Chronicles 29:10-13). God’s abundance and blessing on an undeserving and sojournering people was realized, and all was now His because of the people being generous, grateful, and thankful in their gifts of return (1 Chronicles 29:14-16). They made sacrifices willingly unto their LORD in celebration and extended honor and homage to both their God and their king, David.

-After this, Solomon was made king a second time, and he was anointed ruler over Israel for the LORD (1 Chronicles 29:22). Zadok was made the priest. Solomon prospered in all he did as king and received the obedience and allegiance of all the officials, mighty men, and other sons of David (1 Chronicles 29:23-24). Solomon would rise in exaltation in the sight of all Israel with royal majesty like no other king before him in the land (1 Chronicles 29:25).

-David passed away “in a ripe old age, full of days, riches and honor.” He reigned over Israel for 40 years, 7 in Hebron and 33 in Jerusalem. Other chronicles from Samuel, Nathan, and Gad were written of him, regarding “his reign, his power, and the circumstances that came on him, on Israel, and on all the kingdoms of the lands (1 Chronicles 29:28-30).”

-*Application* “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people (Proverbs 14:34).” “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked man rules, the people groan (Proverbs 29:2).” Thus says the Proverbs, and it is true. Are we seeing rejoicing or groaning in our nations today? What does that say about our leadership? Pray for our nations that times of rejoicing may return as God is exalted and praised. He is deserving and should always be glorified by our rulers and the populace. This will ensure prosperity and blessing. The other key to this passage is generosity. Be a cheerful and abundant giver to the work of the LORD always (2 Corinthians 9:7).

Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 29:9

Friday, September 29, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 28

1 Chronicles 28

-Now the account of David’s address to all the officials of Israel and primarily his son, Solomon, who was chosen to be the heir of the eternal promise of the Kingdom, is given with clarity and boldness. Bullet points for this meticulous address include:

*David’s desire to build a permanent House of rest for the Ark of the Covenant and his preparations and plans for its building by the writing of God’s Hand upon him (1 Chronicles 28:2, 11-19).

*David’s inability to accomplish the building of the Temple because he was a man of war (1 Chronicles 28:3).

*The importance of the lineage and God’s plan through Judah, David, and Solomon (1 Chronicles 28:4-7a).

*The necessity of following the commandments and ordinances of God for the perpetuation of the Kingdom of Israel (1 Chronicles 28:7b-8).

*The importance of knowing God as David did and serving Him “with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the LORD searches all hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts (1 Chronicles 28:9).”

*The essential nature of seeking after the LORD to find Him (1 Chronicles 28:9).

*The danger of forsaking the LORD because it will lead to His rejection forever (1 Chronicles 28:9).

*The courage, boldness, strength, and action that are needed for the task of leadership (1 Chronicles 28:10, 20)

*The response of fear, discouragement, and feeling dismayed should never be a part of the Kingdom (1 Chronicles 28:20).

*The fact that God is always with His anointed, and He will never fail or forsake His chosen ones in the work (1 Chronicles 28:20).

*David’s divisions of the priests and the Levites for all the service of the House of God at his son’s command (1 Chronicles 28:21).

-*Application* Wholeheartedness for the work of God becomes a key theme for us here in this passage. The charge is given to us as well in our generation. The Christian walk revolves around knowing God, keeping His charge without compromise, having a willing mind that has been transformed and conformed to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29; 12:1-2), having God’s wisdom, being steadfast and immoveable (1 Corinthians 15:58), not fearing man, displaying strength, courage, and boldness in love, and taking action knowing that God is always with us. What incredible things to meditate on today. The Word of God in His Bible has complete unity and symmetry does it not?

Verses to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 28:4, 8-9, 20

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 27

1 Chronicles 27

-What we see in this chapter are David’s regional leaders, chief officers over the tribes, and basically what we would call his “cabinet” in various areas of oversight in the united Kingdom of Israel. One of the interesting portions of this “team” of the king was his counseling team. His uncle Jonathan was a man of understanding and also a scribe in his counsel of the king. Ahithophel also counseled him on various matters. Hushai the Archite was described simply as a “friend” to the king (1 Chronicles 27:32-33).

-*Application* Any work of the LORD is never a one man show as we see in this passage. Israel’s success was not ultimately dependent on King David. Participation in the work of the Kingdom of God is a must (Philippians 1:5-7). When each person pulls his or her own weight, the team will be successful and multiply. I watched the Dallas Cowboys in football blow a lead one time (Oct. 27, 2013 to be exact) in one of the most debilitating comebacks against them ever. While the offense was good in some ways, their running game was so poor it could not run out the clock near the end of the game. Then, a worn and tired defense allowed the opponent to go the length of the field in less than a minute with the other team having no time outs. The super-star of the team, wide receiver Dez Bryant, was shown on the sideline arguing with his teammates in anger and frustration. All his personal accomplishments were for nothing as his team lost in the battle. Remember the principle, “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” We must build our team, if we are a leader, with care, boldness, and consideration. Be a team player that is responsible with the duties that God has given.

Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 27:32

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 26

1 Chronicles 26

-This chapter diagnoses the divisions of the leadership as far as the gatekeepers in Jerusalem, the Levities who had charge over the treasures of the House of God, and the ones assigned to outside duties in more remote parts of the Kingdom of Israel as officers and judges (1 Chronicles 26:1, 20, 29). Most of these names of men and their sons are obscure and distant to us as New Covenant believers, but their mission was of vital importance to the times in which they lived under King David. One was described as “indeed blessed (Obed-edom, 2 Samuel 6:10-12, 1 Chronicles 13:13-14; 26:5).” Others were mentioned as being “mighty men of valor” and “valiant men (1 Chronicles 26:6-9).”

-Lots were casted for which gates were to be manned on each side of the city. To the east and south, there was more natural protection with the Kidron Valley. To the north a counselor with insight was assigned, Zechariah (1 Chronicles 26:14). To the west, where the terrain ascends to greater heights and where there was a highway, they had to have better buttressing of guards (1 Chronicles 26:16).

-The treasuries of the nation housed the spoils of war for the repair of the House of the LORD (1 Chronicles 26:27). These items were dedicated by former men in the nation’s history with Levites having charge over these items for their perpetuity.

-The officers and judges that were assigned outside duties primarily were concerned with activities to the west of the Jordan River. These were capable and reliable men who were plentiful in number and were loyal to the king in all affairs (1 Chronicles 26:29-32).

-*Application* Again we see the disparity of activities that are chronicled in this highly successful time of the Kingdom of Israel. We can relate this to the church in that there are diversities of giftings, but only one Lord and baptism in which we unite together (1 Corinthians 12:4-14). This should give us value and importance in the service of the Kingdom. We should also realize that there is no unimportant part of the ministry of God (1 Corinthians 12:15-26). Therefore, faithfully serve the ultimate King, King Jesus, in whatever capacity He has uniquely qualified and designated you for in the work of the Kingdom of God. This will give you fullness of joy, blessing indeed, a valiant spirit, and great insight to counsel.

Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 26:1, 20, 29

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 25

1 Chronicles 25

-David, along with the commanders of the army, appointed (separated out) men from the families of Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun “to prophesy with harps, lyres, and cymbals (1 Chronicles 25:1).” Again this was a service for the House of the LORD under the authority of this earthly king and the Heavenly Father. They cast lots for their duties, “the small as well as the great, the teacher as well as the pupil,” for their positions in service (1 Chronicles 25:2-31).

-*Application* It is interesting that the word “prophesy” is used for this type of worship. This should set our focus to the fact that music can speak the Word of God just as effectively as the spoken Word through proclamation of preaching. Think of the many impactful Christian musicians who are in the world today spreading the message of the Kingdom of God in powerful and effective ways. We should never minimize the influence these have on the awakening of a society and culture. I have often stated that the musicians are the modern day prophets and evangelists. Agree or disagree? This also should convict us of what we listen to in our cars as we travel down the road, while we are working, or whatever. Christian radio indeed has a voice for God, so listen to it whenever possible rather than secular and worldly trash.

Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 25:1

Monday, September 25, 2017

Bibles Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 24

Chapter 24

-This chapter lists the divisions of the Levities as they came into their service in the Temple of God. “These were their offices for their ministry when they came in to the House of the LORD according to the ordinances given to them through Aaron their father, just as the LORD God of Israel had commanded him (1 Chronicles 24:19).”

-*Application* Every individual has his or her place in the body of Christ. There is no unimportant part (Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12). As God wills, let Him do His work in you to complete your mission, service, purpose, and legacy as His child.

Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 24:19

Friday, September 22, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 23

1 Chronicles 23

-David now in his old age makes Solomon the succeeding king over the realm of Israel. He gathers the leaders together and consecrated the work of the priests and Levities over the worship of Yahweh in Jerusalem now that rest had come (1 Chronicles 23:1-25). This was now to be a stable and permanent place for the LORD to dwell, and assignments were made along the traditional Levitical lines according to divisions, skills, and talents. These oversaw the work of the House of the LORD in listed capacities as a service unto God and His holy worship. They were to keep this charge continually and perpetually day by day with thanks and praise, morning and evening, new moons, and fixed festivals (1 Chronicles 23:28-32).

-*Application* God wants consistency out of us as well. Do we habitually come to Him every morning to consecrate our own day as a living sacrifice before Him (Romans 12:1-2)? Remember, we are now the Temple of God with His Holy Spirit indwelling us as believers (1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19, 2 Corinthians 6:16). This is what it means to take up our cross daily, crucify our own selfishness, and follow Christ Jesus (Matthew 10:38, Luke 9:23, 1 Corinthians 15:31).

Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 23:25

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 22

1 Chronicles 22

-Jerusalem becomes the focal point of the worship of the LORD in Israel at this point and time in history. God’s design for this place on earth had been previously revealed to His covenant people (God’s provision and blessing in the binding of Isaac on this Mount Moriah, Genesis 22:1-18, 2 Chronicles 3:1), but now His house would be built as a place of prayer for all the nations (2 Chronicles 6:33, Isaiah 56:7, Mark 11:17). This has proven to be true in every sense of the phrase. This is the place where Jesus was crucified for the sins of the entire world, and the place where He resurrected. It is the place where the Holy Spirit invaded humanity to indwell us believers as a fulfillment of the New Covenant (Acts 1:11-2:4). It is the place where the Messiah will return to earth one day (Zechariah 14:4, Acts 1:11-12).

-David begins to make intense preparations (1 Chronicles 22:14) for the immense task of building this “exceedingly magnificent, famous and glorious” place for the LORD’s Spirit to dwell as a witness to all lands (1 Chronicles 22:5). The reason God would not allow David to build the Temple himself is given in this chapter. David was a man who shed much blood upon the earth as a man of violence before the LORD. God instead needed a man of peace and rest (Solomon’s name means “peaceful”) to build His House. In quiet and reverence, the work of the LORD’s Temple would be completed (1 Chronicles 22:6-9). David gives his son charge over the project and relinquishes control as a humble servant of the Living God who had given His orders. David speaks eternal blessing over the work and success of it with warnings about maintaining discretion, understanding, abiding, and observation of everything the LORD commands (1 Chronicles 22:10-13a). Strength and courage, like in the days of Joshua and other great men of God, are extolled by David upon his son, Solomon. No fear or emotion of dismay was to be a factor in his walk with this charge (1 Chronicles 22:13b). The purpose for the importance of this work is described at the end of the chapter. This House was to be a sanctuary (a holy place, an abode) of the Lord God that would house His Ark of the Covenant and the holy vessels of God, “for the Name of the LORD (1 Chronicles 22:19).”

-*Application* There is no doubt that this place was, is, and will be a consecrated House of worship unto the Maker of the Universe. I have been to this place and it is the most spiritually powerful place I have ever experienced. There are no words to describe it. It is also marvelous in our experience to know that the Holy Spirit makes His Temple in our hearts now as believers in Christ Jesus. Think about this deeply and bask in His presence today as a child of the King!

Verses to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 22:13, 19

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 21

1 Chronicles 21

-In this chapter we see some great intensity and anger from the LORD over the issue of pride in the heart of King David. David commands a census to be taken of all the warriors in his kingdom to his commander Joab. The first verse of the chapter says that “Satan stood up against Israel and moved David” in this matter (1 Chronicles 21:1-6). This was not demonic possession, but it was a great temptation that got a hold of the king and persuaded him to do wrong in the sight of God. There was nothing in the Law that prohibited numbering the people, and it had been done before (Numbers 1 & 2 along with other instances, the Jewish people kept very accurate records of their population). But, this matter was all about pride in the strength of his human army rather than reliance of the Almighty Father in Heaven. David, as Joab realized, was trusting and leaning on his own military power more than relying on God’s provision and authority. This was the great sin in the matter.

-*Application* There is a fine line between feeling confident in God’s power in reliance and becoming proud because you have been used of God for great things. Often, our motivation, not the action itself, is what contains the difference between right and wrong, or purity and sin. Therefore, we must constantly check our motives before we act on a situation or issue. Take good heed to this biblical advice in your life.

-David soon realizes his mistake and did an abrupt confession as the LORD struck Israel in His displeasure (1 Chronicles 21:7-8). He knew he had acted foolishly and repented of his sin, but the consequences would still be severe. Gad, David’s seer (communication link between him and God), comes to him at the word of the LORD with three choices for the purpose of discipline. The first was three years of famine, the second was three months of being swept away by the foes of Israel, the third was three days of the sword of the LORD, even pestilence in the land, and the angel destroying throughout the territory of Israel (1 Chronicles 21:9-12). David, with great distress, trusted God’s mercies over man’s in the matter and chose the three days of torment by the angel of the LORD. 70,000 men of Israel fell as a result of David’s pride and disobedience. God did eventually take pity as He observed what was about to happen in Jerusalem at Ornan the Jebusite’s threshing floor. At this point David lifted his eyes up and actually saw the angel of the LORD standing between earth and heaven with his drawn sword in his hand stretched out over Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 21:16). At this point David takes honest and sincere responsibility for his innocent people as a great leader and cries out to the LORD on their behalf (1 Chronicles 21:17). An altar is made with the purchase of Ornan’s threshing floor and penitence is made at the command of the LORD through the message of Gad. At the time the tabernacle and altar for burnt offering that Moses had made was a two hour journey to the north and west in Gibeon, a Benjaminite city. David could not go before it there, “for he was terrified by the sword of the angel of the LORD (1 Chronicles 21:29-30).”

-*Application* The Bible rightly says that “it is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the Living God (Hebrews 10:31).” While God gives grace, His wrath and discipline can be overwhelming as we see in this passage. Fear God, and it will lead you in the right direction. Do your own thing and pay the price. David got the message quick, and hopefully we can too.

Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 21:8

Monday, September 18, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 20

1 Chronicles 20

-This precise and short chapter describes briefly some of the conflicts the nation of Israel had in ongoing wars with neighboring people groups. It begins with a time phrase of the spring time assault on the land of the sons of Ammon and in particular Rabbah. This depiction does not include any of the details as to what happened as David stayed in Jerusalem, but we get a fuller picture of his disastrous activities in idleness during this campaign when we parallel it with 2 Samuel 11 & 12. This was the time of his great sin with Bathsheba in adultery and the murder of the husband-warrior who trusted his king, Uriah. Although the LORD worked good in this situation by providing the royal line of Solomon, this time had profound negative results in David’s family life, and his kingdom was never the same in its purity. Chronicles chooses not to focus on this, but this is the reality when we cross reference from other Scripture to get the full details (see 2 Samuel 13-24).

-*Application* When God calls us to a work, we had better get with it and not sit back in idleness. We have all heard that “idleness is the devil’s workshop,” and this is true. We need to put our hands to the wheel, so to speak, and get busy with the mighty advancing work of the Kingdom. There is no time for self-pleasure and a propensity to go into “ease” where sin crouches at the door to steal our blessing (Genesis 4:7). We should never stay at home in our own Jerusalem.

-Nevertheless, the sons of Ammon were annihilated in their cities by David’s mighty warriors and great spoils were taken back to the king (1 Chronicles 20:1-3). After this, war broke out again with the Philistines at Gezer and again at Gath. Great men of gigantic proportions were killed and fell to the sons of Israel in these conflicts because of their taunts against God’s people. Victory upon victory occurred for the nation at this time (1 Chronicles 20:4-8).

-*Application* Do we have the courage to face giants like David and his mighty men did? Our giants often have a different form than these physical wonders of ancient times, but they are daunting none the less. These types of giants require faith and determination to come up against, which can only come from complete trust and reliance in the LORD. He is the One who ultimately fights our battles (Exodus 14:14, Deuteronomy 1:30, Joshua 10:25, Jeremiah 1:19), and He is the One who ultimately gives every great victory to what would otherwise be a superior opponent or obstacle. Live by faith as a valiant conqueror in Christ (Romans 8:37).

Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 20:8

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 19

1 Chronicles 19

-David defends the honor of his messengers who went to console the grieving son of Nahash of Ammon, Hanun. However, the princes of the sons of Ammon convinced their ruler that these men were spies sent for an overthrow of their nation. They embarrassed the delegation (1 Chronicles 19:4), which made Israel angry as Ammon became “odious” to David. This led to their alliance with the Arameans with an attack, which came against Israel. Israel prevailed mightily in this conflict. Here is the key verse: “Be strong, and let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people and for the cities of our God; and may the LORD do what is good in His sight (1 Chronicles 19:13).” By the end the Arameans were no longer willing to help their former partners as mercenaries again because of a devastating defeat (1 Chronicles 19:19).

-*Application* Here is a case of returning evil for good (Proverbs 17:13) and having a suspicious heart that gets one into trouble. Here’s a better principle: “See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people (1 Thessalonians 5:15).” We need to view people with the best of intentions whenever possible. Until it is abundantly apparent that flattery or cunning is for certain, it is best practice to be appreciative of others good will towards you. They are more than likely trying to help us and comfort us as was the case in David’s nation. David rightfully got irritated with these that turned his good will away, and that started a serious conflict when Ammon escalated tensions by bringing in another ally for battle. This is how evil increases. It is a buildup of ill will toward opposing parties. Instead we should aim at peacemaking and being diplomatic as much as possible under the direction of the LORD in love (Matthew 5:9). When the time comes and we are vehemently attacked, as Israel was, it is imperative that we stand strong and courageous for the sake of our Christian people, our families, and our God. His will always prevails, and He will do what is good in His sight. The victory will be ours in Christ Jesus.

Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 19:13

Friday, September 15, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 18

1 Chronicles 18

-This chapter recounts in summary all of David’s military exploits during his reign with all the tribute that he was able to collect, which would later aid in the Temple project of his son, Solomon. The Philistines were defeated and subdued in the western Gath area. This had been Saul’s continual nemesis and a strong resistance to God’s development of the Promised Land. Moab to the east of the Jordan and Dead Sea area was defeated, along with Zobah, Hamath, and the Arameans to the north up by the Euphrates River and Damascus (1 Chronicles 18:1-6). All of these brought tribute and served King David. The common theme was “the LORD helped David wherever he went (1 Chronicles 18:6, 13). He made alliances and wielded strong political force for the nation of Israel. He reigned over all of Israel administering justice and righteousness for all his people (1 Chronicles 18:14). The ending of the chapter lists some of his assistants and higher ups in the offices of importance (1 Chronicles 18:15-17).

-*Application* Justice and righteousness exalts any nation (Deuteronomy 16:20, Proverbs 14:34). Just as David did for his people, we should be concerned for fairness and equity under the rule of God for ALL people over which we have dominion. God does not play favorites, that is for sure (2 Chronicles 19:7, Job 34:19, Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11, Galatians 2:6, Ephesians 6:9, Colossians 3:25, 1 Peter 1:17). This is yet another example of how David was a man after God’s own heart. Are we impartial when it comes to our authority over others, or do we sometimes give some favor over others for no substantial reason? We should live with righteousness and justice flowing from us. The LORD will be with us and help us wherever we go too when we live like that.

Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 18:14

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 17

1 Chronicles 17

-The covenant of God’s continuing favor upon the rule of David’s descendents is the primary focus of this chapter that starts out with a desire to see the LORD’s House established with a more permanent structure (1 Chronicles 17:1). David’s desire is a noble one, but God does not need an earthly structure to dwell in as He relates to the prophet Nathan (1 Chronicles 17:2-6). Nevertheless, He will allow for a place of worship and a place for His Spirit to dwell on earth, but it will be built by the one following David (1 Chronicles 17:11-14). The parallel cross reference to this event is in 2 Samuel 7. Here God gives His promise to the Davidic line, from which the Messiah will come as an everlasting Kingdom. He recounts the path of bringing David to greatness, and the fact that He was always with him assuring victory in the conquest ultimately for His Name’s sake, not a house of cedar. He also promises in this chapter that Israel will have a permanent dwelling place, planted and secure, because of the righteousness of David and his relationship with God (1 Chronicles 17:7-9). So, Nathan relates his prophetic vision received in the night word for word (1 Chronicles 17:3, 15).

-David’s response is recorded in the remaining verses of this chapter (1 Chronicles 17:16-27). He comes before the LORD with complete reverence and humility in recognition of His great words and works of blessing unto His servant. David realizes that God knows him intimately and acknowledges his dependence upon Him for all things. “There is none like You, nor is there any God besides You,” the king proclaims in his confession to the LORD (1 Chronicles 17:20). David gives thanks as he recounts the redemption of the LORD for His people Israel from the land of Egypt. The king is grateful for the fact that the LORD thinks enough of his line and family to make it an everlasting establishment according to the Word of God (1 Chronicles 17:23). David rightly recognizes that this is ultimately for God’s glory, and not his own. God’s revelation is paramount to David’s courage to go on and pray before His righteous King and accept His magnificent promise of blessing forever (1 Chronicles 17:25-27).

-*Application* Here we see an example of what it takes to be a great man of God. Notice the traits and qualities of this king’s response to the Word of the LORD. He doesn’t fight what God wants to do with any spirit of pride or vain conceit. He allows God to be God and is thankful for the opportunity to serve the LORD. He knows his past and where the LORD had taken him from. He is grateful to get undeserved blessings and honor, even when it will come through his descendents. David is not selfish. He gives credit and glory to his Maker. Total respect is seen in his response. He is determined to sit before God and let Him dictate the course and plan. David is simply along for the blessed and joyful ride. He received the revelation because he gave up his own rights even as the leader of Israel. How should that affect the way we approach things in our own life? Practice these qualities before God and we too will also be greatly blessed and highly favored.

Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 17:23

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 16

1 Chronicles 16

-The Ark is brought into the tent that David had prepared. They offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the LORD, then blessed the people of Israel in the Name of LORD. He gave everyone a loaf of bread and a portion of meat and a raisin cake as he appointed some of the Levites as ministers before the Ark of the LORD in order to celebrate, thank, and praise God for what He had accomplished. This sets off an extensive psalm of thanksgiving unto the Heavenly Father, which included the following. His Name is to be called on. He is to be made known unto all the peoples of the earth. He is to be worshipped through song. His people are to speak of His wonders. They are to glory in His holy Name. He makes our hearts glad. His children are to seek the LORD and His strength. His face should be continually sought. His wonderful deeds are to be remembered. His judgments and marvels are in all the earth. His everlasting covenant of land and inheritance (promise), which He made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, should always be remembered. “He is great and greatly to be praised; He also is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the peoples are idols (empty, vain), but the LORD made the heavens.” Ascribe to the LORD all that is due Him. Bring Him an offering and come before Him. Worship Him is holy array. Tremble before Him all the earth. “The LORD reigns.” “O give thanks unto the LORD, for He is good.” Blessed be the God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting (1 Chronicles 16:8-36). -The work was then assigned to great men of responsibility and worship. After they were confirmed, all the people departed each to his house, and David returned to bless his household (1 Chronicles 16:37-43).

-*Application* When was the last time we truly set aside time to bask in the presence of the Almighty and thank Him for how awesome and majestic He is? Extend gratitude to the Sovereign of the Universe and appreciate everything about Him as David and the people of Israel did at this time. It will do wonders for our spirit and tune us in to His glorious radiance. This will lead to a returning to normal life at some point, but we will be affected to bless those around us in our own house. Blessings in the Name of the LORD!

Verses to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 16:25-26

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 15

1 Chronicles 15

-By now David had prepared a more permanent place to house the Ark of God in the city of David, and they made elaborate plans to move the Ark, this time at the LORD’s commanded directions as given by Moses in the Law (1 Chronicles 15:13-15). The “outburst” that God made on them for doing things flippantly is described in 1 Chronicles 13. David was a man who learned from his mistakes, which is a sign of greatness and favor with the LORD. Amid the pomp and circumstance of all the celebration was some serious consecration before the LORD. This denoted the respect level for their Creator and the following of His ways with everything they had. The celebration involved extravagant music and art form, which had to be an incredibly awesome and emotional scene in the holy city as the Ark was transported in. David was clothed in fine linen, but in a parallel passage, we see that his enthusiasm caused him to uncover himself in what Michal, his wife and daughter of Saul, considered to be an undignified manner (2 Samuel 6:12-22). However, in the eyes of David and of God, this king humbled himself in praise, worship, and adoration unto his Sovereign in an acceptable offering of love and devotion. Michal, on the other hand, despised this in her heart primarily out of fleshly jealousy (1 Chronicles 15:29, 2 Samuel 6:20).

-*Application* David lost himself in the worship of his God. Are we so refined that we cannot express true love and adoration for the King of the Universe that humbled Himself enough to come die on a cursed wooden cross for the redemption of our souls? It should irritate us that there are still plenty of Michal’s in our churches sucking the joy of our salvation and the taming of our emotions from true expression of delight in our Savior and God. Not that we should do anything sinful or out of order, but when we get excited about something we will always express that in our spirit with intense emotion. Don’t grief and quench the Holy Spirit from moving. Express your love for the LORD even if it may seem “undignified” in the sight of others. For a song on this, see: “Undignified” by the David Crowder Band. And its ok to dance to it if the LORD moves you J!

Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 15:28

Monday, September 11, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 14

1 Chronicles 14

-In this chapter we see David’s power and clout intensifying as he incurs favor from foreign kings, dominates opposition under the direction of the LORD, and enlarges houses and his family in Jerusalem. David is realizing in this chapter that the LORD had established him as king over Israel and that the kingdom was indeed highly exalted for the sake of God’s people, Israel (1 Chronicles 14:1-2). The names of the children born to him in Jerusalem are listed and he took more wives, which ended up being a big problem in his service unto God (1 Chronicles 14:3-7).

-The Philistines, when they heard of David’s anointing as king, came against him and made a raid in Rephaim (which is just west of Jerusalem in Judah). An important thing to note here is that David twice inquired of the LORD to see how he should respond and act in this tense situation of warfare (1 Chronicles 14:10, 14). At God’s word, and only at God’s word, did the king make decisions to go out and fight the battles that came against him and his people. At Baal-perazim (the master of breakthrough) the Philistines abandoned their gods and they were destroyed. When the enemy again decided to make a raid, again an inquiry was made to God and victory was assured, this time with a sneak attack from encircling around behind them. This time they were destroyed for a long stretch of land from Gibeon all the way to Gezer, far to the west more than half way to the Mediterranean Sea (1 Chronicles 14:11-16). “Then the fame of David went out into all the lands; and the LORD brought the fear of him on all the nations (1 Chronicles 14:17).”

-*Application* We must remember, like David, that our victory comes only from the LORD (Proverbs 21:31, 1 Corinthians 15:57). Seek Him out on matters that are weighing on your heart, and trust in His timing. His counsel will win the day, and He wants you to prosper. Just don’t get ahead of Him and do things in your own strength and your own way. This is what King Saul did and it did not go well for him and his kingdom (1 Samuel 15:23).

Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 14:10

Friday, September 8, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 13

1 Chronicles 13

-This short 14 verse chapter is power packed with intrigue and insight into the workings of the LORD in regard to His commands and ordinances with regard to the Ark of His Covenant. David’s desire is to bring the Ark back into a rightful place of prominence in the nation since the people of God did not seek it during the days of King Saul (1 Chronicles 13:3). The parallel account of this occurrence in 2 Samuel 5:6 shows that David’s building projects had already been completed in Jerusalem before he brought the Ark back. Chronicles emphasizes the Ark first because of its spiritual implications under the direction of King David and his heart that was after God. David consults with all the leaders of Israel in his decision to transport the Ark from Kiriath-jearim (1 Samuel 7:1-2, 1 Chronicles 13:5-6) to Jerusalem, but he neglected to do things as God had commanded through Moses (Numbers 4:5-15) by the means of transportation. There was enthusiasm, but there was not obedience to His specific commands. They used a new cart that was unstable and proved to be careless with the death of Uzza as he tried to stabilize it from falling (1 Chronicles 13:7-10). David’s excitement turned to shear anger and fear before the LORD, and eventually total reverence for doing things God’s way. The next time they transported the Ark, it was done under the commanded ways of God through Moses (1 Chronicles 15:13-15). David’s fear kept him from taking the Ark to his home in the city of David, which allowed Obed-edom the Gittite to host it for three months and receive much blessing from the LORD (1 Chronicles 13:12-14).

-*Application* This chapter shows the double-edged sides of God’s love and justice through the blessing Obed-edom and the death of Uzza. Great blessings come to those who obey His commands diligently, but severe punishment can come to those who disregard and disobey His precepts. This corrective discipline may come swiftly, as we see in this narrative, or it may play out over time; but, it will inevitably come. God knows all things. If we are not careful, just like David and the people of Israel, we can focus so much on the blessings and goodness of God that we forget the consequences of sin and that “it is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the Living God (Hebrews 10:31).” There can also be those times of focusing too much on the judgment of the LORD that we miss out on His intended blessings as happened to David. Don’t be consumed with a one-sided view of God. He is a God of perfect balance between love and justice. We need to realize that from these biblical lessons and trust in His ways.

Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 13:3

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 12

1 Chronicles 12

-Chapter 12 describes the ones who came to David both in Ziklag (a city in Philistia where David had escaped to hide from Saul), during his time in waiting for the throne of Israel, and when he received his kingdom in Hebron. The key verse is twenty-two: “For day by day men came to David to help him, until there was a great army like the army of God.” This indicates, it was a slow and steady process of finding favor with the people of Israel. People came to him; he didn’t have to struggle and strive to search them out. God was in it and prospered this movement to make him the king according to the word of the LORD (1 Chronicles 12:23). All twelve tribes are listed as lending support with mighty strength and power, and when Saul was vanquished, there was a newfound unity and joy in the nation with a perfect heart under their ruler whom God had consecrated (1 Chronicles 12:38-40).

-*Application* In any new work that we have started by the word of the LORD, we will find many similarities to this biblical and historical narrative. Any work of the LORD will take time and must be done the proper way according to His plans and His purposes. The LORD will bring people, strong people, to help in our time of need. Fortify the troops. Have the same mind-set. Prepare for spiritual warfare. Celebrate and have the joy of the LORD indeed. We fight through the victory He has laid claim of at the cross. Be the modern-day army of God.

Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 12:22

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 11

1 Chronicles 11

-Following the death of Saul, David finally allowed Israel to gather to him at Hebron and anoint him king over Israel as Samuel the prophet had predicted according to the word of the LORD some 20 years before. The Chronicles describe him as a better leader of the people even when Saul was alive in the sight of the Hebrews, but David respected the God-given authority of Saul and never rebelled against him (1 Chronicles 11:2). “So all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and David made a covenant with them in Hebron before the LORD; and they anointed David king over Israel, according to the word of the LORD through Samuel (1 Chronicles 11:3).”

-*Application* Good things come to not only those who wait, but do things the right way as we see in the example of King David. He respected his authority even when it didn’t seem feasible, and even when that authority was attempting to kill him in jealous rage (1 Samuel 18:7-16; 19:10; 20:33; 23:15-24:22; 26:7-25). How patient are we when faced with waiting in obedience under corrupt authority? This is a difficult process we can all admit. When the time comes, God will release you to do His will and prosper in His blessings just like David. Until that time, serve God fearless of man, doing the right things.

-Although this text does not state it here, David ruled from Hebron for seven full years and six months before Israel’s taking of Jerusalem for the nation’s capital (2 Samuel 2:11; 5:5, 1 Kings 2:11, 1 Chronicles 3:4). The Jebusites were the inhabitants of this land who had to be conquered if the Israelites were to make this city their holy habitation. David and his mighty men nevertheless captured the stronghold of Zion (that is the City of David) and made it their own according to God’s plan and will (1 Chronicles 11:4-5). This is where Joab earned his status as the chief and commander of the army of Israel by being the first to strike down a Jebusite (1 Chronicles 11:6). It was after this conflict that David dwelt in the stronghold with the rest of the city being repaired as the new and improved capital of the kingdom. Jerusalem sets near the center of the Promised Land and has good natural protection with a high eastern and southern ridge overlooking the Kidron Valley making it difficult to attack. “David became greater and greater, for the LORD was with him (1 Chronicles 11:9).” The rest of the chapter lists out the mighty men of David’s army and some of their accomplishments of incredible valor and loyalty (1 Chronicles 11:10-47).

-*Application* This is a reminder that when we accomplish something, it is never done alone. There was great teamwork and loyal participation to the making of this great king and kingdom in Israel. David could have never done it alone. Plus, he had God with him because he followed after his LORD with all his heart (1 Kings 14:8). Work together and trust in the LORD He is with those who do.

Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 11:3

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 10

1 Chronicles 10

-The narrative of Saul’s death is depicted in this chapter that parallels 1 Samuel 31. Israel was embittered in a struggle with the Philistines on Mount Gilboa, which is a mountain on the edge of the Jezreel and Jordan Valley’s intersection point. This was a strategic area for conquest with the city of Beth-shean nearby, where Saul’s body was fastened to the wall (1 Samuel 31:10). As the battle raged, the men of Israel begin to flee as they were losing and falling slain on the mountain. The Philistines pursued Saul and his three sons striking down Jonathan, Abinadab, and Malchi-shua and injuring the king badly with the archers. As he feared the uncircumcised coming to abuse him, he demanded his armor bearer to deliver a mercy killing, which the servant would not do. Therefore, Saul fell on his own sword, thus committing suicide when he felt like all was lost. His armor bearer likewise fell on his sword and died (1 Chronicles 10:1-6). Israel forsook their cities in the area at this point and the Philistines came and lived in them (1 Chronicles 10:7). The next day the Philistines found Saul and his sons fallen on Mount Gilboa. They stripped him and took his head along with his armor around the land celebrating their victory giving credit to their idols and offering them the spoils of war. Saul’s head was fastened in the house of Dagon (1 Chronicles 10:10) and his body was pinned to the wall of Bethshean (1 Samuel 31:10). His weapons were on display in the temple of Ashtaroth, the goddess of fertility and sex (1 Samuel 31:10). In other words, he was made a mockery of by the Philistines. When the valiant men of Jabesh-gilead heard all that the enemy had done, they arose and took away the body of Saul and his sons and buried them properly under the oak in Jabesh. After that they fasted seven days (1 Chronicles 10:11-12). “So Saul died for his trespass which he committed against the LORD, because of the word of the LORD which he did not keep; and also because he asked counsel of a medium, making inquiry of it, and did not inquire of the LORD. Therefore He killed him and turned the kingdom to David the son of Jesse (1 Chronicles 10:13-14).”

-*Application* A harsh reality for us should be to understand that anything we do against God and His will can have very severe consequences, and not just for us, but for those in our family or tribe. The principle of cause and effect are at work here. We must keep our life pure in the sight of the LORD God Almighty and He will bless. When we forsake Him, we shouldn’t be surprised if and when horrible things come upon us with the enemy getting an undeserved victory with mockery and disdain. God doesn’t need any of us, and if we are unfaithful, He has no other recourse but to raise up another who will have a heart fully devoted unto Him. This is how David is described (1 Samuel 13:14).

Verses to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 10:13-14

Monday, September 4, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 9

1 Chronicles 9

-We see some interesting insights into Jewish culture in this passage as Israel was enrolled by genealogies with the last comprehensive list in the book. These were primarily the returnees from exile in Babylon as the priests, Levites, and temple servants from the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh. We spoke of the closeness of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin in Chapter 8 notes. Here we see the connection between the blood brother tribes of Benjamin and Joseph’s boys via Rachel on down the line (Genesis 30:22-24; 35:16-19, 1 Chronicles 9:1-).

-The main theme of this chapter is the ability of men to do the work of service in the House of the LORD. There were gatekeepers to every side: north, south, east, and west (1 Chronicles 9:17-27). They held an “office of trust” for protection and perpetuity of the significant items used in the worship of Yahweh (I AM) including the treasuries and chambers (1 Chronicles 9:26). Others had charge over the utensils for service (1 Chronicles 9:28) and took meticulous care of these numbered items. Some were appointed over the furniture and the mixing of the spices for a fragrant aroma unto the LORD along with fine flour, wine, and oil for the various aspects of Temple worship (Lampstand, Showbread, etc.). These were positions of high responsibility and importance for the worship of the LORD. There were singers who lived in the chambers of the Temple and were free from other service, for they were engaged in their work day and night (1 Chronicles 9:33).

-*Application* These people had to be reliable, honest, and trustworthy in their important service unto the LORD. We see much of the same routine in many of our churches today to ensure the continuation and smoothness of corporate worship and the functions of the local church. We need these people and their vital roles to keep the work of God flowing properly and in order. Thank the LORD for these types of committed believers who do their roles tirelessly for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Tell these types of people “thank you!” every chance you get.

-The ending of the chapter discusses some of the line of King Saul from Gibeon as the book prepares for a more historical narrative. Saul is given little space in this book as it focuses, again, primarily on the reign of the Davidic line, which is the optimum importance in the national and salvific history of Israel (1 Chronicles 9:35-44).

Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 9:1

Friday, September 1, 2017

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 8

1 Chronicles 8

-The genealogy of the tribe of Benjamin is noted in this chapter of Scripture. There were close ties with this tribe to Judah. They were in close proximity as the land was divided up. This is why we see in the text that many of them co-mingled and lived in Jerusalem of Judah. In fact, in the beginning, Benjamin laid claim to the city of Jerusalem as their land of inheritance (Joshua 12:11-28). The line of Saul, the nation of Israel’s first king, is mentioned briefly in this section as a son from the line of Benjamin (1 Chronicles 8:33). In the time of the division, the tribe of Benjamin was also the only loyal tribe to the line of David and the Southern Kingdom commonly known as Judah (1 Kings 12:21). Judah and Benjamin were close knit together through thick and thin.

-*Application* It is interesting what draws us together sometimes. Circumstances and Divine Providence often play more of a role than we realize. Think about how God has coordinated you with certain entities and people in your life. He will use these connections according to His Divine will and purpose. Stay connected. Go with His Spirit’s flow.

Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 8:28