Friday, October 11, 2013

Bible Study Notes in 1 Chronicles- Chapter 15

1 Chronicles 15


-By now David had prepared a more permanent place to house the Ark of God in the city of David, and they made elaborate plans to move the Ark, this time at the LORD’s commanded directions as given by Moses in the Law (1 Chronicles 15:13-15). The “outburst” that God made on them for doing things flippantly is described in 1 Chronicles 13. David was a man who learned from his mistakes, which is a sign of greatness and favor with the LORD. Amid the pomp and circumstance of all the celebration was some serious consecration before the LORD. This denoted the respect level for their Creator and the following of His ways with everything they had. The celebration involved extravagant music and art form, which had to be an incredibly awesome and emotional scene in the holy city as the Ark was transported in. David was clothed in fine linen, but in a parallel passage, we see that his enthusiasm caused him to uncover himself in what Michal, his wife and daughter of Saul, considered to be an undignified manner (2 Samuel 6:12-22). However, in the eyes of David and of God, this king humbled himself in praise, worship, and adoration unto his Sovereign in an acceptable offering of love and devotion. Michal, on the other hand, despised this in her heart primarily out of fleshly jealousy (1 Chronicles 15:29, 2 Samuel 6:20). *Application* David lost himself in the worship of his God. Are we so refined that we cannot express true love and adoration for the King of the Universe that humbled Himself enough to come die on a cursed wooden cross for the redemption of our souls? It should irritate us that there are still plenty of Michal’s in our churches sucking the joy of our salvation and the taming of our emotions from true expression of delight in our Savior and God. Not that we should do anything sinful or out of order, but when we get excited about something we will always express that in our spirit with intense emotion. Don’t grief and quench the Holy Spirit from moving. Express your love for the LORD even if it may seem “undignified” in the sight of others. For a song on this, see: “Undignified” by the David Crowder Band. And its ok to dance to it if the LORD moves you J!


Verse to Memorize: 1 Chronicles 15:28

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