Thursday, September 19, 2013

Exodus Bible Study Notes- Chapter 40

Exodus 40


-Moses erects the tabernacle on the first day of the first month in their second year of release from Egyptian captivity (Exodus 40:17). He, again as we saw in chapter 39, accomplished the work just as the LORD commanded and it was anointed and consecrated unto Him. Everything was in its place and the glory of the LORD could now indwell this perfectly completed vessel. As the book of Exodus ends, God’s presence was with them, and when He moved, they moved, when He stayed, they stayed (Exodus 40:36-37). *Application* This we can note is a picture of the Christian life completed in the work of Jesus Christ in His perfect life, substitutionary death on the cross, burial, and resurrection. Receiving Him completes us and finishes the tabernacle of our lives anointing and consecrating us for His abiding presence within us. We see the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit in this typology. He is the One who moves and directs us in the paths that we should travel in His will and plan. When He says stay, we should stay; when He says go, we should go. He directs, guides, teaches, and leads as He is always with us (paraclyte, John 14:26; 15:26; 16:7). Therefore, we should view this passage as a picture of the Spirit-filled life of the believer. God has established a New Covenant initiated by the blood of Jesus Christ and indwells us, His children, to will and to work His good purposes (Jeremiah 31:31-34, Luke 22:20, 2 Corinthians 3:6, Philippians 2:13, Hebrews 12:24).


Verse to Memorize: Exodus 40:38

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