169. Soldiers cast
lots for Jesus’ clothes- Matt. 27:35, Mark 15:24, Luke 23:34, John 19:23-24
-First, a word about the initial part of this verse
concerning the crucifixion. Crucifixion was widely practiced by the Roman
Empire during this era of human history, mostly for the purpose of exposing and
ridiculing those who rebelled against their authority. There were stories of
Roman soldiers’ exploits of cruelty in different postures and tactics for
crucified victims (see Josephus, Jewish War
5.449-551). The use of nails and a crossbar appear to have been common.
Modern medical explanations for cause of death by the cross conclude that
asphyxiation or shock is the determining factor in killing a hanging victim in
this manner. This was widely believed to be the most painful form of death
execution style due to the excruciating pain and the public shame it caused.
Hanging suspended by one’s arms eventually caused great difficulty in
breathing, which could only be alleviated by pushing up with one’s feet to take
the weight off of the arms. But that motion itself would cause severe pain in
the nailed feet and hands, arms, legs, and back, causing the exhausted victim to
slump down again and again unable to breathe in a slow and agonizing death.
Eventually, the crucified would succumb to suffocation if the physical trauma
hadn’t already killed them. *Application* Magnify the Name of Christ Jesus who
suffered a tremendous amount of pain to purchase the believers’ salvation! By
His wounds we are healed (Isaiah 53:5).
-For what seems to be an unimportant side note to the
biblical writers in the area of the soldiers obtaining Christ’s clothes, we
should notice that every single gospel writer includes this part of the
crucifixion. This casting of lots for Jesus’ clothes is a fulfillment of the
great crucifixion prophecy of David in Psalms 22 around a thousand years before
the time of Christ Jesus. This dividing up of the garments is prophesied in
Psalms 22:18, and is one of the many exact fulfillments that Christ
providentially achieved under the sovereignty of God’s plan. *Application*
Things like this help our faith when we realize that such coordination is
impossible without the mighty Hand of God in these Divine circumstances. God is
at work to fulfill His overarching will and plan in this world. Praise the LORD
who works all things together for our good (Romans 8:28).
-Luke’s gospel reveals the enormity of the Lord’s love for
us all as He hung on the cross. His overriding thought was our forgiveness,
which we can see based on His words, “Father, forgive them, for they know not
what they do (Luke 23:34).” *Application* His love is sufficient to cover all
our sins. Trust in the crucified Lord to receive His abundant and free gift of
salvation and restoration. The compassion of Christ is never failing and always
available even when we mistreat our Sovereign. Turn to Him and realize how
great a love He has for you. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound!
Verse to Memorize-
Luke 23:34
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