Thursday, March 29, 2012

Luke Bible Study Notes Chapters 12

Luke 12

-Jesus begins an instructional stanza on the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. He begins with announcing that their hidden motives and agendas will be revealed. *Application* In fact we are in dangerous territory when we try to hide and conceal events and issues that are corrupt and wrong. Jesus is telling us here that the Lord sees it all and will expose the heart in every matter.

-There should be no fear towards those who will persecute or even kill the body. Keep the context in mind here. He is speaking concerning the religious establishment who will eventually lead Him to the cross and attempt to destroy the spreading of the gospel. Instead we are to fear God who has power and control to banish our souls to hell.

-Next, the issue of worry is dealt with. We have great worth with our Heavenly Father and He will take care of us. Don’t deny Him and the work of His Holy Spirit. This is the blasphemy that Jesus speaks of here. Remember that He is speaking of the Pharisees, who denied the Spirit’s power and authority coming through Jesus. This is a deliberate and ongoing rejection of God’s magnificent plan for man’s salvation. *Application* Many sincere and humble servants of the Lord have great fear and consternation when approaching this passage of Scripture. If this is your case, it is a good sign that you indeed fear the Holy Spirit and God’s power in your life. The blaspheming of the Holy Spirit is a denial of Him. That is all. The point Jesus makes over and over again in this passage is that we have the ability to receive Him and the Father accepts that cry unto Him. He will never reject us if we come to Him in humility. This is what the Pharisees could never understand or do. Don’t you ever fall into that category of Jesus’ message.

-Possessions are the next topic of discussion. Jesus teaches that it is foolish to build up treasures on this earth (the temporary things). Instead, be rich toward God who gives eternal rewards and even blessings on this earth, “all these things will be added unto you (Luke 12:31).” “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Luke 12:34).” *Application* God cares for us and will not let us fall. A mentor of mine shared with me this week about an instance that illustrates this well. His grandson was climbing a large tree in the yard while the grandfather was reclining in a lounge chair. The ambitious little boy got to the point where the grandfather warned him that he was too high up and to be careful because of the dangers associated. To the grandfather’s surprise the little boy exclaimed, “Catch me Papa!!!” as he leaped from his tall perch in the tree. Frantically, the grandfather leaped out of his lounging position in a desperate attempt to catch his grandson. In the nick of time he did catch the little boy as gravity pulled him to earth. What trust the little boy displayed that no matter what the situation looked like, Papa was going to make a way to catch him. The Lord is wanting that same kind of faith in our lives. Even when we may make silly decisions, like this little boy, our Abba Father will care for us and provide His covering. Fall into His loving arms and care today!

-Now Jesus warns to be ready for His second coming. His message is to be faithful and alert in serving the Master. *Application* Don’t let apathy and complacency invade and destroy your life. The Lord requires us to be good stewards of His endowments, gifts, and responsibilities. He will hold us accountable for what we do with our time, talent, and treasure. Do the Lord’s will and reserve nothing for yourself. He has bought us, as believers, with a price; therefore glory Him with all you have and be subject to Him alone (1 Corinthians 6:20; 7:23).

-Christ relates the division that He will cause with His coming crucifixion and resurrection. The belief in Him is the dividing line and it will separate even families. Jesus is making a plea for discernment and acceptance of the Lord’s will and plan for mankind. He is also realizing that those He is speaking about, again the unbelieving Pharisees, are in great danger of the judgment of God because of their unwillingness to accept the truth. *Application* Make the vital efforts to settle all of your accounts with God and man. Analyze the present time and understand in His wisdom. Judge what is right.

Verses to Memorize: Luke 12:31, 34

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